Wow, this is legit cool :3, I love the old school ui esthetic. Also love the wire graphics. One of my favourite styles ˘w˘
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Love the intro cutscene cinematic art, but I didnt really love the gameplay. Navigation is a bit confusing. I feel like there are too many enemies, which makes the game anoying to navigatea and trivilizes the time mechanic (you can farm infinite time). Theese time looping games are usually suposed to be about discovery and time managment.
Only played unitl I got the sword.
Playing the previous version now, comments are disabled there for some reason :3
Its pretty high quality and I am enjoying playing it. The humor and writing is great, the game has great JUICE. Went to the temple a bit early and cleared the first room. Man, those stone enemies are so COOL. Enemy design is really great already. I will finish that one for sure, then ill check out this version, and then the next one. Good luck with your deving
Finished the game. I was a bit sad to see no boss, that would have been a great ending.
I liked the gaphics and the combat was nice, but it got a bit boring with the tree enemies. I mean, they are there because you have to use the special attack on them, so they are great in that sense, but you always have to deal with them the same way, just max charge your slash and wait until they walk intto you range. If they had some mellee options it would atleast spice up the gameplay a bit more, making the slash a riskier move.
Nice visuals and allrigth music
Wow, really cool game. I had a lot of funn,
there are really a lot of theese dice games, and I dont really like them much, but this one plays with the premice really well. I like the integration of the abilities, I think they are what allows me to engage with the game more, because they require strategic decision making on when to use them and on what die.
The enemies are prety fun and very different from each other, requiring different aproaches to be defeated, which is fun.
The sound design is really great, and graphics are also nice. I just wish there were more levels to play throu.
Well done :3
Man, this is a pretty fun game.
Its really polished.
Dungeon layouts can be potentialy confusing, but they are small enough to be able to navigate them, and the right click and higlhlight from where you came out of really help with navigation. Difficulty was also at a great leve, i didnt lose a single time, but I was sometimes a bit close and had to strategize a bit. Well done :3
Hahaha, this was prety fun. Love the voice sounds! Super cute :3. The dates had me a little confused, I mean, I wasnt sure if the game was using american mm/dd or european dd/mm format ^w^.
I am not sure if there was feedback if you got a wrong decision, might have just missed it, or goten everything correct OwO.
Ill replay this in the full release >wO
So true ^-^
Timer would have been so easy to fix de-decimalize, but I never got around to doing it.
We did have a plan to have a few more rooms, and for you to be able to buy rooms for coins. Which would have increased the gameplay complexity over time. Alas ran out of time.
Fishing rod bug is web version only, which sucks, cause i dont know how to fix that >~<
The graphics are nice, but the controls are pretty bad. The amount of enemies is also too large I think, you cant ever kill them before they get some damage on your fruits. I feel like this game would have better been served if you leaned into the flying aspect of the main charakter, flying feels great and it has a great animation, but there is no reason to fly because all the enemies will come down to attack your fruits and you have to stay down to pretect them.
Sadly I got stuck in the tunel with the oragne tentacles after the second orb.
I think each orb should be a checkpoint where you respawn after you decay, the game seems a bit punishing if you always have to restart. The graphics and atmosphere are really great dou. I am not sure if jumping is based on your decay level, or your speed, but it didnt feel great not knowing how high you can jump. I did enjoy playing it dou :3
I dont know how to get knowladge or antibiotics and they arent shown on my ui.
Also, all the planet enemies just shoot at my buildings behind a wall, so they cant ever destroy them, which trivializes the game a bit.
The hero we need was not controlable at all.
Also, it took me a while to figure out you have to right click to place buildings.
Cool mechanic, I dont know if its possible to die, I played it for like 5 minutes unitl I quit, the current chaning mechanic is prety nice, it forces you to change up your strcuture often. It is a bit unclear if the nodes cost you food or if you can spread them only x many times on one branch. I think I could spread the same distance if I was think or fat, which was a bit werd. It was fun dou :3