So, I've posted to the forums a lot and I never know where I'm really supposed to post this. If I posted this in the wrong thread, I'm sure mods can just move it.
I recently started working on my first 3D game, and one of the things I've never done in a game is 3D model. I don't know how to use blender and I'm not looking into spending money on tutorials or different 3D modeling programs. I also don't know if I want to hire someone because the last time I worked with someone on an idea we both had, our ideas clashed and we had different views on what the game should be. I have these questions for devs who have been in the same boat as me when it comes to learning how/what to 3D modeling.
- What did you do if you knew you wanted to model something, but didn't know how to make it or just make it look good?
- Was learning how to 3D model things yourself hard/worth it?
- This goes along with question 1, how did you gain inspiration, or know what you wanted to 3D model?
I know that most of these depend on how creative you are, or how easy one can learn how to do something new, but if you guys have any advice, please share it! I'd love to hear anything from anyone!