Hey, really enjoying the game in its current state but I have two suggestions I think might make a big difference:
1. Carpal tunnel prevention: Nethack has a Shift+dir command that basically moves you in a given direction until you either hit something (including tunnel branch points) or encounter an enemy. Maybe consider including something like this? I've only been playing a couple hours and my right arm is already sore. (EDIT: Mouse move addresses this, I suppose, but keyboard shortcuts are always appreciated. :) )
2. Console access. I've played about five games already. I actually died in only one of them; three succumbed to crashes before I'd saved, and the fourth has the bug where there's a missing terminal in the abandoned power plant. It's pretty frustrating, to say the least; it'd be nice to enter a console command or two and earn the quest regardless. I know you probably don't want to include that kind of functionality in the final game, but in its current state I think this might be necessary.