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A member registered Jun 30, 2017

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Holy shit, dude. "Tolerast." Good word.

I watched a Let's Play of this game, and fucking hated it. If your art demonstrates such contempt for your audience you have to earn it, either by being so good that people are still forced to engage, or so bad that you dip into irony. This game is thoroughly mediocre, judgy and basically should be titled "hear your drunk mother lecture you simulator".

(2 edits)

I have the crash logs, though I'm not sure where to send them. A few happened when I tried to pick up an item (Numpad Enter following G), and I'm not sure, but I think they might have all been uncommon items -- one of them was a leather hood with a stat buff. At least one happened when I tried to descend a staircase into an unexplored level, and I can't recall the rest of them, but I don't think any happened while I was just walking around. A few bluescreens as well but I'm pretty sure those are due to a faulty wifi adapter, unrelated to your game. EDIT: Oh -- and the game's frozen a couple times. Music continued playing but couldn't input anything, and ended up having to End Task, so no crash logs there.

I'm using the 64-bit version in Windows 10, incidentally.

You're probably right about the levels being the same, but a lot of data is lost about which levels have been cleared of enemies, which parts of them you've seen, etc. -- it leads to a bug where, when ascending to a previously explored level, you arrive on the "up" staircase instead of the "down" one, since the game thinks you're entering for the first time. So effectively it gives you a Shining Orb for free.

Thanks! The bug I was dealing with actually resolved itself when I reloaded my saved game -- it regenerated the dungeon and had all the terminals. Oddly, it also had extra up staircases on most of the floors, the top one of which led to a point on the surface with no corresponding down staircase.

Axu community » Suggestions · Created a new topic Autosave?

I lose a LOT of characters in the first dungeon due to crashes. I try to remember to save and reload to create a backup, but if I'm in a dungeon that causes the dungeon to be regenerated (which seems exploitable, incidentally). Would you consider adding an autosave feature?

Axu community » Suggestions · Created a new topic Two suggestions
(1 edit)

Hey, really enjoying the game in its current state but I have two suggestions I think might make a big difference:

1. Carpal tunnel prevention: Nethack has a Shift+dir command that basically moves you in a given direction until you either hit something (including tunnel branch points) or encounter an enemy. Maybe consider including something like this? I've only been playing a couple hours and my right arm is already sore. (EDIT: Mouse move addresses this, I suppose, but keyboard shortcuts are always appreciated. :) )

2. Console access. I've played about five games already. I actually died in only one of them; three succumbed to crashes before I'd saved, and the fourth has the bug where there's a missing terminal in the abandoned power plant. It's pretty frustrating, to say the least; it'd be nice to enter a console command or two and earn the quest regardless. I know you probably don't want to include that kind of functionality in the final game, but in its current state I think this might be necessary.