Hey there,
Does the advance also mean you can possibly gain a new skill or is it simply to increase ones that you already have from char creation?
You can indeed gain a new skill! When I’m GMing , I specify that any new skill should make sense in context (though there’s nothing in the rules about that). Like, you’ve been doing some spacewalking? Sure, go ahead and take that skill. If somebody wanted to take the telepathy skill out of nowhere, I’d ask what precipitated that. Do people in this setting just randomly develop psychic powers? Maybe they do! I just like to make sure we are all on the same page.
Hello again. Sorry there isn't a way to DM via itch so this is best I've got. We managed to push our things out over the weekend (somehow)! It was good fun for thanks for putting something like this together. I made a biopunk(?) type of game, and my friends made a cavern-dwelling fantasy and another applied ancient Rome to a sci-fi setting.
One of my friends changed around the dice system. He thought about uploading it to itch but is a bit worried about how to properly credit, or if the changes he has made to the system somehow cause a problem. You can imagine we're all new to this. Would you be able to offer any advice? I'd love to just link them to you but the public nature of the forum isn't great for that haha