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The Cherry Orchard

A kinetic novel adaptation of the classic play. · By Team Dogpit

More debug info on Linux?

A topic by forslund created Mar 01, 2021 Views: 294 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 3

When starting The Cherry Orchard I only get the following before being returned to the prompt:

ake@Woodstock:~/games/cherry_orchard$ ./TCO.x86_64 Set current directory to /home/ake/games/cherry_orchard
Found path: /home/ake/games/cherry_orchard/TCO.x86_64
Loading in SingleInstance mode
The screen blinks once then nothing. a file called unity.lock is created, apart from that there seems to be no running processes.

Is there a way to get more debug info from the program to see what goes awry? Running on Ubuntu 18.04 if that's any help.

(Also tried using the steam key but for that the download seem to fail all together)


- Åke


thanks for letting me know; I’ll look into it tonight and get back to you ASAP.


The terminal output you're getting is the same output that displays when the game successfully launches. Can you look at 

~/.config/unity3d/Team Dogpit/The Cherry Orchard/Player.log

and see what the logs there say? 

Mono path[0] = '/home/ake/games/cherry_orchard/TCO_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = '/home/ake/games/cherry_orchard/TCO_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/e
Preloaded ''
Preloaded ''
Preloaded ''
Preloaded ''
Preloaded ''
Preloaded ''
Preloaded ''
Display 0 'JT178x4 17"': 1280x1024 (primary device).
Loading player data from /home/ake/games/cherry_orchard/TCO_Data/data.unity3d
Unable to load player prefs
Desktop is 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz
[Vulkan init] extensions: count=2
[Vulkan init] extensions: name=VK_EXT_debug_report, enabled=0
[Vulkan init] extensions: name=VK_EXT_debug_utils, enabled=0
Vulkan detection: 0
No supported renderers found, exiting

Looks like it's my graphics drivers. Thanks for pointing out the log-file. Will see if I can upgrade things to get this running in all it's purple glory ;)