Recently, for those who aren't aware, released a feature that allows each game to have its own separate community forum similar to how the global forum works. This is a brilliant feature.
However, I'd like to suggest a few things that could be added to it.
First off, I'd like to suggest to add an option that allows games to share the same forum. I've made a game called Project Plasma and a mobile spin-off (sort of) called Project Plasma Mobile (PPM) which currently use the same community forum as they are both in the same lineup of games. I also plan to make Project Plasma into a full, sequential series which will also share that same forum. Currently, the closest thing I can do to having the games share a community forum is simply linking to the Project Plasma forum in PPM's description on the page. It'd be nice if there was an option to actually have it "officially" (for lack of a better word) share Project Plasma's forum rather than simply just putting a link to it in the description.
The second thing I'd like to suggest is being able to add separate boards to the forum. I feel this would tie in well with the above suggestion as it would allow game devs to add separate categories for each instalment of the game.
A third suggestion would be to also allow communities for each dev as well as having communities for each game. (Credit for this suggestion goes to alainfrancke.)