How do you load GLTF models.Asset Forge saves them how do you load them into Asset Forge.
> I am going to be a blunt here Why save, but not Load a file format.
Because that would beyond the scope of the program and more effort than it is worth. It is a program to assemble objects from a library of pre-made elements, not a full 3D modeler or a game engine.
> Change your website Information because it is wrong.
No, it is not. Your reading comprehension fails you.
> It says all formats but it is not.It does not load all formats.Only .model format.
It does not say it loads all formats anywhere.
> So if i save GLTF.Asset Forge is useless to me.
No. GLTF is an export format. You export to GLTF once you're finished assembling the model, to take it to your game engine. If you want to keep working on the model, you save it as a native .model.
You use Asset Forge BEFORE exporting to GLTF. Nobody is forcing you to use GLTF during the modeling process.
> To load so called GLTF back into Asset Forge.
Not its purpose, not its use.
> Strange
Not strange at all.