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A member registered Feb 14, 2018

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You can open the installer in your favourite version of 7zip and unpack it by hand.

And such a shadow catcher would be completely useless without a user-customisable lighting solution. Or are you willing to live with whatever default lighting Kenny chooses for you?

Do that in your rendering software. That function is not within the scope of AssetForge.

It seems that an instrument can only play notes of a single defined length. Am I missing something?

I just tried to work with mirroring a group (propeller_three and gear_slantEnforced positioned next to each other, with gear_slantEnforced rotated by 90 degrees) and during rapid back-and-forth mirroring the group started moving in a diagonal direction.

Trying it a second time on a new project did not show this bug, neither did the original model after being reloaded.

You mean like the tool that's already in there?

Just tried them in 2.1 without issue.

Why would he be making interiors if he doesn't need to? Why would he be wasting game performance and development time on interior walls the player never sees?

Most games keep their house interiors on separate maps.



Well, what do you think the answer might be?

(1 edit)

> So if i save GLTF.Asset Forge is useless to me.

No. GLTF is an export format. You export to GLTF once you're finished assembling the model, to take it to your game engine. If you want to keep working on the model, you save it as a native .model.

You use Asset Forge BEFORE exporting to GLTF. Nobody is forcing you to use GLTF during the modeling process.

> To load so called GLTF back into Asset Forge.

Not its purpose, not its use.

> Strange

Not strange at all.

> I am going to be a blunt here Why save, but not Load a file format.

Because that would beyond the scope of the program and more effort than it is  worth. It is a program to assemble objects from a library of pre-made elements, not a full 3D modeler or a game engine.

> Change your website Information because it is wrong.

No, it is not. Your reading comprehension fails you.

> It says all formats but it is not.It does not load all formats.Only .model format.

It does not say it loads all formats anywhere.

No. You buy deluxe to support the creator, not to gain some bonus content that you could model and add just as well on your own.

> Can anyone shed some light on as to why this happens?  (it's half a couch if you're wondering)

The side of the model is a concave n-gon. Asset Forge does not know how to resolve that kind of geometry and makes a best guess attempt.

Solution: Don't use concave polygons and don't use n-gons.

By using the Button clearly labeled "Save" in the Home menu and the camera button respectively.

The blocks are intended for use within Asset Forge. Bulk export is not within the scope of the software.

Do it when you have time. I'm curious about it but I'm not desperate to play the game RIGHT NOW.

Same result

> Assuming you have the right build for your system (x64 is if you are using 64bit windows),


> ran oalinst.exe (it is in the zip file alongside game.exe)


> and didn't accidentally delete/or move the files relative to game.exe it should be fine.


>  I haven't not tested it on a huge variety of systems though, so it is possible there is something I didn't consider.

Windows 10 Pro x64 on Ryzen5 2600X, 16GB RAM, Radeon GX580 graphics

> Are you executing it from a command prompt?

Yes. It opens a window that closes after a few second without message

The program shortly opens a blank window that closes again after a couple of seconds. No error message or indication what is at fault. Win-64 version.

Use PgUp/PgDown to move the grid to where you are working.

Requesting the ability to load blueprints (or any background images onto the XY/XZ/YZ planes to serve as visual guides for modeling.

Can't follow. It works the same in both here.

You click on the "Textures" folder.

The software exports the texture images already.

Thanks. Sorry for not replying but I kinda lost use of the touchscreen PC I had been using to play it.

Now with so further playing, there definitely is something iffy with the back button registering actions. Its response is rather spotty. Also handling the inventory, trying to pick up any item to move it between the quickslots to the right and the inventory seems a matter of luck. Sometimes it happens, sometimes nothing happens, sometimes you pick up an empty slot icon instead. Using the mouse makes it slightly easier because you don't lose an item as soon as you pick it up.

When trying to use items the responses are somewhat inconsistent when an item can't be used. Sometimes the game tells you it doesn't work other times it gives no feedback at all.

(3 edits)

Thanks for the response. I must have missed the touch-only notice on the product page. Now trying in on a touch-enabled device I have new issues with it - when opening the fridge in the kitchen I have issues leaving that screen again. The 'back' button does nothing, simple tapping does nothing, double-tapping backs out and immediately opens the fridge again.

Abysmal scrolling system. Whenever you want it to scroll it doesn't or only does so pixelwise, when you don't then it twitches around on every mouse move. Utterly inconsistent. Large icons obstructing view and occasionally blocking hot spots on the the screen. 

Tried playing on the smallest map. The map did not contain any rock tile, making it impossible to continue. Retried with a new map. Same.  Retried with a new map. Same. Retried with a new map. Same. ...

Tried large map. Finally got a rock tile to be able to start playing.

Advice: Ensure that the maps created are actually playable at all.

Thing is, it is comparatively easy to do in parametric 3D, where objects are mathematical constructs first and foremost and any mesh geometry will be generated wholesale by the software. That's why it is a staple in CAD products. AssetForge does not work with parametric 3D objects, it works with pre-made meshes. Cutting pieces out of them, stitching them together and deciding where faces and vertices have to be placed to not damage the pre-existing geometry but to also modify it in accordance with other geometry that joins with it/cuts it is a whole different kettle of fish.

If I remember the Unreal engine correctly then it is not "universally" supported, it only applies to the level editor, which basically is a fancy volumetric object editor. It's not applicable to the various geometric meshes you import to populate your scenes with or use as actors.

That would require metadata to be included which is not assured any target software can actually read and use.

That means it is not worth trying to implement, costs too much development effort for too little benefit.

Additive and Subtractive Mesh

You are asking for boolean modeling, something that is difficult to do even in full-fledged 3D suites. It may sound esy to the user, but the geometry creation is very far from trivial.

By importing them to a different scale.

Shame for you then that most programs do not support all those options but just the most common subset. You're better off sorting it out on your UV map than expecting the .mtl file to do that job.

wait for the next release

SHIFT-click to select multiple objects

You might be better served with a program like MagicaVoxel. 2.0 will bring some of that but AssetForge is not really made for that kind of thing.

You move with the middle mouse button