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How do you use Furtilizer??? plz help

A topic by DylanJohn129 created Jul 23, 2017 Views: 1,366 Replies: 4
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Its beeen buging me what do you do with firtilizer and how???

I'm going to assume you have already put dung into the fertilizer storage. What you do now is you take a shovel and dig up a weed, then place the block of fertilizer onto the weeded soil. This will make the square turn a dark shade of brown. After that you can use a hoe to till the soil, then plant a cereal seed on it and you make a higher quality patch of cereal.

Same goes for when you use your scythe on the lower quality patches of cereal crop. After you cut it, fertilize it and do the same thing.

Also weeds cant grow on Fertilized soil (its called soil ig)

How do you defertilize soil then? I accidentally fertilized soil on my weed farm.


Once you pull up a weed you can stop them growing back by using RMB with fertiliser on the empty tile.