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Make and teach robots to automate the world! · By Denki

Any plans for multiplayer?

A topic by IvanGogh created Aug 08, 2017 Views: 4,954 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 7

I know this game is very early in development, but do you guys have plans to add a multiplayer option anytime soon?

BTW amazing game!

(1 edit) (-1)

Pls No. Any kind of multiplayer implementation would eat up so much time in development, wich could be used on more usefull stuff. Like more content, more complex programming, stable and bugfree gameplay.

I don't get the fuz why every God damn game needs to be multyplayer compatible. Most games that have mp modes would have done much better if they used that time and money to polish their games more then thry to please a handfull of gamers that cry for multiplayer.

Besides that, in a game that is based arround programming bots to replace any manual work you have to do, where exactly do you think would adding additional players fulfill a good role.


This is exactly the way I think most of the time, but I think for this game a multiplayer would be very enjoyable,

I would enjoy multiplayer; maybe in version 20. 


At the moment there are no plans for MP. We're very focused on a solid single player experience. But who knows? Maybe once SP is done we'll consider this.


Although multiplayer would be awesome I think that this is the perfect stance to have for this game, unlike others where players do everything and multiplayer would make things faster this is made plenty fast with the main feature of the game (the bots), I hope you do add multiplayer at the end of primary feature development.


Idea about this :

I submit a strong cooperative multiplayer mode, stronger than any existed game, players must cooperate or they will loose.

How to made strong cooperative mode ? I submit each player can do few things, not same things than each others.

Example: first, the game define skills (lumberjack, farmer, miner, engineer). Each skill allow to use dedicated tool, or allow to order workerbot to use this tool, and allow to put dedicated blueprint on map. Each player have one or two skills (if team have less than 4 players).


I think that forcing each player to have a role would be awful, as an option (not forced for all multiplayer) it would be interesting though.

Not every game needs to be multiplayer, But i disagree that they should spend time pleasing a hand full of anti-multiplayer fanatics that whine whenever even the thought of playing with someone other than themselves arises. It seems clear that some people just don't play games where playing with others is optional and not required. Even those where the goal of the game is literally to automate your way forward , multiplayer can still exist contrary to what Greuslich believes. 

That aside it would be a good game to pick up. I'm sure my wife and I would enjoy it and pick it up if it ever did have multiplayer. FusedHalves is right in that multiplayer can bring an interesting experience.


Multiplayer for autonauts would more than likely end up looking like multiplayer for factorio, where its more efficient and less of a pain to just set up a separate factory for each player because it requires a large amount of cooperation and planning to not be stepping on each other's feet while working on the same factory.

oliezekat's suggestion of segmentation of roles for multiplayer would be just a major inconvenience and not be a very good idea either, because tasks like crafting are used much more than ones like chopping down trees or gathering berries, which would mean some people would just be sitting around not doing anything because there may not be a need for a task at times.


satisfactory had the same idea for multiplaye