Hello Everyone :)
I go by LilacRoses here, I'm black, 16, and from New York City. And I LOVE to code and make games (obviously or I couldn't be here :P)
Something that I noticed on itch.io is how there aren't really that many girls or women on itch.io.
That's not a problem, or an issue. Girls just don't tend to take on or take interest into things like these. And that's okay! We can be interested in whatever we want to be interested in, but that's my opinion. I just wanted to say that because I find it annoying when people try to use the "women are oppressed" card to justify the fact that most of us just aren't interested in it.
But I am! ;) And this topic is just so I can meet other female coders out there who have this interest, BUT THIS DOES NOT EXCLUDE MEN FROM COMMENTING HERE ALSO!! If you are a male and want to express your opinion on this subject (because it seems to be pretty common among coders) or just say a little hello feel free :)
Have a nice day everyone! :)