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Fan Lore: Country Overview (3) : Dorgania (part 3)

A topic by VASH581 created May 22, 2021 Views: 802 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 3
(3 edits)

Link to part 2

Dorganian Army 

        The backbone of Dorgania military. Compared to other countries they have the most diverse and organized unit types to perform different missions. 

Heavy infantry 

The soldiers in grey armor that you see all over the places. Armed with halberd and shields, their role is forming up spears & shield wall to blunt enemy charges, absorb enemy missiles, and deter enemy cavalry. 


Provide fire support behind melee infantry. These archers are trained to shoot their arrows in high angle. That way they can shoot over allies or obstacles enemy might set up. Even if they failed to penetrate armor, having rains of arrows smashing all over your body is still disorienting. 


 Instead of plunging fire, crossbowman excel at direct fire and penetrate armor. Though this means they can’t shoot over obstacles, it makes them good at castle defense as they can hind behind walls and shoot through arrow slits, something you couldn’t do easily with a bow. 


Light infantry armed with light armor, defensive short sword, javelins or simple bow. Their job is to use their mobility to harass straggling units and soften up enemy’s rank with their projectiles before melee infantries engage. 


As one of the fastest units in the army their jobs are scouting, raiding enemy supply lines and give chase to fleeing enemy to cut them down before they can reorganize. When given armor and heavier equipment, they can be used as the “hammer”, smashing into enemy’s rear line while heavy infantry pinning enemy in places. 

Cavalry archers 

Trained in shooting arrows from horseback, they specialize hit and run tactic to harass the enemy or lure them into traps. They’re especially useful at dealing with monsters as they can draw monsters to wanted locations at safe distance. 


Groups of combat engineers. Sometime they might even hire dwarfs from Begus to join them. They are responsible of building all kinds of field installations like palisade, anti cavalry stakes and watch towers. During a siege they are also responsible of building siege weapons like battering rams, trebuchets, or digging siege tunnels to collapse the wall. 

Offensive mage 

Mages that specialized projectile spells. Due to their fire power but light armor, they are generally grouped with skirmishes to softening enemy’s rank with their range attack and raiding lightly defended supply line, which they’re especially excel at with their fire spells. Sometimes they might even ride horses to chase off fleeing enemy. 

Defensive mage 

These mages excel at healing, defensive ward and psychological spells. They are usually interspersed within heavy infantry ranks. As heavy infantries protect the mage from attack, the mage will do their best to help soldiers holding the line by healing, increase their defense with spells, as well as removing fear to keep up the morale and prevent mass routing and desertion. 

Anti-air mage 

These mages are especially designed against flying enemies, as magic is much more suitable at hitting fast targets that can move in 3 dimensions than arrows. They specialize in AOE attack at long range, especially storm-based like Rainstorm or Thunderstorm as flying units are extremely susceptible to weather. 

Dorganian Navy 

        In order to protect the trading line and prevent monsters from bypassing the wall through sea, Dorgania had built up impressive fleets. Smaller ships like longships are used to patrol coastal waters as they’re more maneuverable in shallow water and more flexible against monsters, meanwhile bigger vessels like carracks are used to protect ocean trade lines against pirates. 

Experimental Firearm units (EFU) 

        As firearms aren’t economical against monsters, most countries simply ditch them in favor of magic. However, since Dorgania treats even human countries as potential enemies, firearm could be extremely useful for them.Besides, only a child would choose one, why not using both magic and firearm together? With gunsmiths around the world losing their jobs, Dorgania has been secretly bringing them in and funding the research on firearm. They are even researching ways to make magical firearm that automatically enchant the bullets it fires or even shoot out bullets made of pure mana, thus making firearm economic against monsters again. Of course, they must do all these in secret as developing anti-human weapons won’t look good in the eyes of human nations. 

        Without burdening the budget too much, Dorgania had secretly fielded a few battalions of firearm units to test out suitable doctrines for future use. The level of their equipment is around that of 1900, when soldiers have rifles and artilleries but still wears colorful uniforms. To remain secrecy, they were mostly deployed on the western border and pretend the monsters as human target for testing. 

Rifle infantry battalion 

Armed with bolt action rifles, they will become the bulk of the army once high-cost problems are resolved. Apart from their long range and firepower, firearms have one more crucial advantage over cold weapons: training time. Compare to swords and bows which need decades of training, training a rifleman only requires a few weeks. The personnel can be expanded with little training cost and any casualties can be replaced almost immediately, whereas every swordsman killed is a drastic loss of manpower, resources, and training time. 

Machinegun squad 

When gunsmiths heard about the Steam gun designed by the engineer in Central, they took interest in the concept of automatic firearms. The results are these heavy machineguns, capable of firing 600 rounds per minute while the barrels are cooled with Blue Slime Essence. Many generals criticized such contraptions as they believe they’re wasting ammunition, but all criticisms vanished when they’re deployed to suppress a slave revolt. With just 4 machineguns, they manage to mow down 5000 mobs of charging rebels and ended the revolt immediately, leaving generals dumbstruck at their effectiveness. Machineguns now become the stars among EFU project. Once bullet cost problem is solved, they’ll surely dominate the battlefield, as a gunsmith proudly proclaimed: “Whatever happened, we have machineguns, and they have not”. 


       Cavalry armed with lever-action carbines that allow them to fire on horseback with one hand. Like cavalry archers, they’re good at hit and run tactics as well as raiding enemy’s territory. They can also be used to quickly reinforce broken infantry line. 

Artillery battery

        “God fights on the side with the best artillery.” is the motto of everyone in this battery. Their jobs include smashing open a hole in enemy line for cavalry to exploit, blunting enemy’s offensive, cleaning up the surrounded enemy, and destroying enemy’s fort. To do this they are equipped with Krupp field guns for direct fire support and Krupp howitzers for siege bombardment. They possess many advantages over mages, with the most important one being range. Mages need direct line of sight on target and can reach no more than a few hundred meters, while artilleries can easily reach several kilometers away and, with some calculations, can lob shells over hills or other obstacles to hit the unsuspecting enemy. 


        Slaves are heavily utilized by the military, but mostly in performing menial labors. They seldom join combat to prevent them from using weapons to revolt, except for these guys. Abid-al-Lancafew (Slave of Lancafew), or sometimes called Black Guards, serve as Lancafew royalty’s bodyguard and military police. What ensures their loyalty is the way they are raised. They hail from a community of slaves who live in an isolated colony. Children are taught to obey royal family since birth to make them fiercely loyal to their master. When they grow up, they’ll start a family within the same community and pass down the idea to the next generation. Armed with rifles and scimitars, they not only serve as Lancafew’s elite soldiers but are also tasked with maintaining discipline and loyalty within the military. Sometimes they’ll disguise as normal slaves and blend in slave populations to root out potential oppositions, such as recently they manage to deal a huge blow to an abolisher organization and forced an operative called Mike into hiding. If you tried to liberate them, they’ll kill you without a second thought because nothing brings them more joy than serving their master and disobedience is a“crime against humanity” in their eyes. Times and times again they’ve proven their strength and undying loyalty to their master, thus even though they’re technically slaves, they are given so many privileges from the king that some argued they have even higher social status than free citizens. 

 203rdDorganian Combat Aviation Battalion 

        When general Lind contemplates about wing-force idea, Dorganian General Staff had already formed up such units. This experimental unit is composed of manticores, dragonics, wyverns and other species that can fly. Some members are from similar communities as Abid-al-Lancafew to serve their master, others are free citizens who want to help Dorgania against the monster army that destroyed their “old” home. They are equipped with rifles, as firearms are more suitable in aerial combat than arrows because bullets are less affected by wind and have higher velocity and flatter trajectory, thus easier to hit the target in high speed. Those who can use magic are given an experimental “Gun-cane”, basically a mixture of rifle and magic cane that can be used as both. As for wyverns and species without arms, they’re tasked with dropping bombs and airlifting cargos with their feet. So far they’ve only seen limited actions, but the General Staff believe once expanded, they’ll have the power to rival even the renowned Angelic Wings from Begus. 

 Opinions on other countries 

        Being pragmatic as they are, Dorgania’s foreign affair generally revolves about benefit, while still keeping contingency war plans just in case. If you’re useful, Dorgania welcomes you; if not, then at least don’t bother Dorgania. If you’re hostile, well… Dorgania wouldn’t mind upgrading from kingdom to empire! 


       Even though King Lancafew sees them as a bunch of crackpots, he knows their magic could help Dorgania greatly. Thus, apart from normal trading, Lancafew signed a secret trade deal with Merius to obtain advanced magic tech in exchange of some specimens. Although Dorgania admire Amagal’s drive for innovation,they can’t help but feel how inefficient Amagal’s research are as they only cares magic and have no concept of opportunity cost. For example, when a boulder is blocking the road, Amagal will blow it up with explosion spells while simply having a few people pushing it away could have been enough. What they’re doing is like inventing a sledgehammer just to crush an ant. Yes, its powerful, and it gets the job done, but impractical. What if you need to kill 1000 more ants? Can you lift a sledgehammer a thousand time? 

        Their war plan against Amagal generally revolves around overwhelm them with numbers. Numerical advantages are often being underestimated, especially in literature as it serves nothing but more canon fodders, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Quantity is a quality of its own. More numbers mean more tactical options available and the ability to multitasking. Besides, according to Lanchester’s law, having double the numbers actually means you’ll achieve 4 times the result. With more numbers will achieve even better outcomes. 


       As they’re far away, Dorgania doesn’t interact much about them although sometime Dorgania will hire adventurers from Begus to fight the monsters. Dorganians laughed when they heard the church is condemning their slavery, as the church is basically doing the same thing to Begus with some “gospels” they preached. 

        Due to the distance, their war plans against Begus usually involve proxy wars. They’ll exploit Begus’s weak central authority by secretly supporting some nobles into starting civil wars and installing a puppet ruler in the end. 


       Recently relation with Dorgania and Central improved. They manage to get non-aggression pact and various trade deals from Central, which is good because Central is a crucial food importer for Dorgania. Despite this, King Lancafew couldn’t help but worry if King Saotome will be influenced by those sanctimonious preachers and betray Dorgania. Some generals argued having food supply controlled by other country is a big risk and proposed suggestions about conquering Central, which are quickly shot down. Not because they can't defeat Central’s weak military, but because other countries might intervene and Water Spirit will be angered for invading the home of her friend, Earth Spirit. However, it’ll be a different matter if Central attacks first, as Water Spirit might even convince Earth Spirit to ditch Central and help Dorgania instead. 

        Another possibility is Central embargoing Dorgania’s food import. A famine will likely happen if they do that. But Dorganian General Staff already came up with a plan, as they know Fire Spirit and Water Spirit hates each other and Fire Spirit is very… “close” to Ryen…
1. Convince Water Spirit that King Saotome is manipulated by Fire Spirit and this famine is her scheme to starve Water Spirit’s followers, causing Water Spirit loses sympathy to Central.
2. Because of this famine, Dorgania army is understandably weakened and couldn’t do anything as some monster army juuuuust happen to slip past our wall and march straight into Central, causing great havoc to them. It’s not our fault! Central started this famine in the first place!
3. After a few days of massacre, Dorganian army will march into Central to “help them with the monster army”. But to prevent the tragedy from happening again, Dorgania will annex some fertile land around Thremton and Ebron to ensure food supply and protect Earth Spirit, Water Spirit’s friend. 

        Of course, King Lancafew would rather not do this as the fertile land in Central might be ravaged by monsters, but it’s better to be prepared than not.

That's it for now. Feel free to ask any questions or sharing your thought!

Other countries : Amagal / Begus / Central

I know some people want to know, so I'll just say it here. Currently I didn't write overview for Central. There are many reasons:
1. We already play as Central in this game. The game already shows you how Central is like and view things from Central's perspective. So far I couldn't come up with unique stuff to write without basically repeat what's already been said in the game.
2. Lore about Central is too susceptible to future change. For example, if developer decide to add more story about Lady Miles or other nobles I'll have to revise all politics lore to see if it's compatible. Hell, I might even have to rewrite military system every time a new vanguard commander is added if some details conflict my lore.

If I can somehow overcome those problems, I'll definitely write one for Central.

My overview on Central is complete! If you're interested go check it out!

by the way are you an artist 🎨 or writer ✍

Well... I don't actually work as an artist or a writer. I just like to come up with stories and write/draw them in my free time. I don't think my skill can compare to other professional artists and writers.( To show you how amateur I am, I draw with mouse!) I just like to do them as a hobby.

will no one is born skilled maybe one day you will become a professional