i was wonder if you could make arrows move like in v.s qt fever town ect plus if you could make the screen move too
for now there is a way to rotate the screen and zoom it in
rotating the whole camera
camHUD.angle = -5;
FlxTween.tween(camHUD, { angle: 10 }, 0.5, { type: FlxTween.PINGPONG, ease: FlxEase.quadInOut });
FlxTween.tween(camHUD, { y: 20 }, 1, { type: FlxTween.PINGPONG, ease: FlxEase.quadInOut });
place it in stephit if you want to make it rotate like that in a surtain point
zoom in shit
FlxG.camera.zoom = 1.0;
FlxTween.tween(FlxG.camera, { zoom: 0.8 }, 0.2, { type: FlxTween.PERSIST });
i recommend putting it in beathit beat with a curstep or else you will be fricked