Yep you read that right. I don't know if this is a problem for just me but the monsters in my dungeons seems to be... gone. They don't come back even when I left, do other stuff, rest at castle, etc. And it seem to only affect the monsters I've beaten
- Crysthaven dungeon is literally empty
- Everything in Red Keep is gone, aside from blue slime girls
- North dungeon is a special one: I remember ice harpies and alrines still respawn but up till one point, when I put all the ice alrines in my lanturn for farming, came back, and only ice harpies were there. Alrines were gone
Now there is a common thing I've done with all these places. I've harvested all monsters of 1 type in that area. For example, in North dungeon I took all ice Alrines at once, but didn't touch the harpies. Maybe this causes an in-game extinction mechanic? I'm not really sure if it exists, but if so, how can I get them to respawn?
Any help would be wonderful