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Cell Machine Mystic Mod

A topic by Mystic created Aug 20, 2021 Views: 3,015 Replies: 23
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(2 edits)

Cell Machine Mystic Mod by TheMysticLynx (

Cell machine mystic mod is a cellular automata game based off of completing puzzles. Despite the name it's not a mod and is a standalone game! With 30 built in levels and a wide discord community of over 4,500 people sharing levels the puzzles never end!

Recently we started working on version 4.x.x.x which will be where we will release a lot of popular community updates! This includes support and updates for mobile versions of the game starting with (Out now! 100+ Downloads already)



Yeah, 4.0 is so cool

yep :D

I hope version 3 keeps getting active updates, although slightly less active than version 4 would be okay for me.

Don't worry. V4 is just for quality of life things. V3 has all the mechanics needed. And if new mechanics are added then Mystic has announced he will add it to V3

how to get the free version tho

android version is super pog

yeah says you lmao

Tbh I completely agree tho I use it



best update since 3.0.0

hope your game gets on the front page!

les goo!!!

pog gersss ! ! !

i writting this because yes

Great game - and it's impossible to get bored with this thing

Deleted 2 years ago

and 4.0 is really good

funny broke person haha

i have 0 dollars so i can't get it

haha funny broke person i am replying to who is this


meanwhile nathan out here with 50 copies lmao

I found a bug

It's not actually a bug, it's called subticking. Turn it on in the level menu to see whats happening here properly