Post any bugs or typos you've found from v.0.19.2 here!
Please try to be as informative and detailed as possible with your report!
This is a recurring bug that will be fixed when the backend overhaul is implemented in a couple months, and is sometimes caused when playing through the ending part of the Athlima Summit too fast. The workaround is to go back to a save from before the Beastslayer fight (there should be an autosave available) and progress through it again at a normal speed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Don't know if it's a problem on my side but the sfx seem to interrupt the music and make it pause for a split second every once in a while while crackling along the way. it's more of a skipping than a straight pause as if something was overwhelmed. Even the menue banner in the top right corner lags when those stutters occur.
After reading more than 5 different forum posts i've figured out its some old frame rendering issue caused by god knows what(cpu utilization jumping from ~7% to 17% and back when the stutters occur). Does not seem to be that common but i was definitely not the first person to experience this. After trying a lot of things like trying different versions etc. and pulling my hair out for an hour i figured out that if you set the text speed to the max it seems to fix the problem. I guess i'll have to play like this if i want to play the game at all but the charm of them speaking is lost. If i figure out a better fix i'll let you know i guess...