I love the look of this software, but I unfortunately don't have a windows pc. Any chance you guys are working on a mac version? I'd love to support this project!!!
An 8-bit music creation tool that like a game console music editor · By
It seems that some users are using Lovely Composer through emulation on Mac and Linux. (Probably like Wine)
Even the M1 Mac seems to work, so it might be worth trying on your own computer with a free trial version! If the trial version works, the official version will work in most cases. (We don't support officially & don't know the details)
We want to officially support Mac in the future, but We don't have a new Mac so far. (Although there is an old Intel Macbook from 2009 ...)
(Users Working example)
M1 Mac + emulator https://twitter.com/autumnmotor/status/1417976477174304771
ubuntu20.04 + wine6.0 https://twitter.com/aburi6800/status/1399744489187467271
Mac + Paralells + Windows10 https://twitter.com/kadoyan/status/1399685559304421386
Amazon workspaces https://twitter.com/doc1oo/status/1403417705298874369
I didn't know that M1 Parallels was complete. You may also want to look into emulations that don't use Parallels.
There were emulators that could run Windows apps directly, such as Wine on Linux and Miku Installer on Intel Macs.
There may be something similar on M1, but I have no knowledge about M1.
One of the users (p_craft) wrote how he got Lovely Composer running on an M1 Mac!
The article is in Japanese, but I think it will be helpful if you use the automatic translation of the web browser.
Run LovelyComposer on M1 Mac https://pentagonal-potential-7b1.notion.site/M1-Mac-LovelyComposer-44c6253696364...
We heard Lovely Composer could run on M1 Mac with windows10 on Parallels.
Also We heard Lovely Composer could run on M1 Mac with windows11 on Parallels 1.1.4 (The latest version on January 10, 2022 did not work).
We plan to natively support multiple operating systems in the not too distant future, but not so close.