Request features (or report bugs) to be added in GameGO (see the development board for planned updates).
Request features (or report bugs) to be added in GameGO (see the development board for planned updates).
I'm already using ActionScript 3. I found out that after removing my script (for tweening image), I can load the swf just fine.
But even when it loaded, the image is all scretched out. Looks like there's problem with GameGo scaling mechanism for swf. Eventhough I'm masking the content (stage.mask is not available I'm afraid) inside a MovieClip, it always detect overall size of the image inside the swf.
My feedback:
Ok, I have workaround with scaling problem by adding the animation MovieClip after 1 frame delay. It seems the GameGo will detect the swf size correctly if there's nothing on the stage at the beginning.
I also sticking on using the Timeline to manually tween my banner. Not the most preferred way for me as programmer, but it do the trick :