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Monster XXXperiment

Research monster girls and boys to further develop your career! · By AstroKaen, Tech Tsundere

Monster XXXperiment Bug Reports, Feedback, & Reviews

A topic by AstroKaen created Dec 24, 2021 Views: 22,911 Replies: 96
Viewing posts 1 to 62

Thank you all so much for our first day success of Monster XXXperiment so far!

Please feel free to leave any bugs, feedback, typos, and reviews in this thread!

If you want to support us so we can continue to create the content you enjoy please consider becoming a Patreon every $1 goes to paying all of the talented people here at the studio!


Just started playing. Right from the start you’ve got a hunk for the male option. Great start.


Haha don't worry more hunks to come! Have fun!

(2 edits)

just wondering if theres more monsters available right now? or if its just the fox


Just the fox another set will be available next update

gotcha, assumed as much when i couldn't progress any further XD

looking forward to see more :D

So for the web version- It will just be the demo, correct? Or will it be updated aswell?

(1 edit)

I'm stuck at Romance 3 for Flare. Talking to her, the only thing she has a complaint about is the room style... even though I've already changed it to the "industrial/rock" one, three times. Over 2k rep, day 20.


Try setting the room lighting to 40. Hope this helps.

That did it for me, thanks


I really like the concept. I love the game so far. Nice art style and strong art direction imo. I did not expect the cut scenes to be so dang cute. I like the balance between management aspects and dating sim elements. It's a fun game and I can't wait to see what comes next. OvO

I'm also stuck at romance 3 for flame, I have him on a pescatarian diet,  in the "industrial" room, lighting at 40, temp at 35,  rep 2770  day  25.   Prior to pescatarian diet I had him on vegetarian diet and there was still no change. I am not sure how to progress can someone help me please?

Also even though I know I have the room he likes when I talk to him  some times the looking at walls with disinterest conversation comes up. 


He needs to be on Carnivore diet

Sorry for the confusion a lot of your concerns will be fixed In the next updates!

awesome thank you so much I eventually got it with help from the discord.  Loving the game so far its such an interesting concept and the drawings are just drool worthy lol.  Can't wait to see what you do next :)

Just paused the game and my REP still growing up.


Thanks for reporting, this has been fixed and fix will be active next update

(1 edit)

I'm having a glitch with Sevros. After his third heart event and then getting his dialouge about his preference in lighting (or lack there of), the game imeadtly crashes/closes the next morning. 


Thanks for the reply XDaniel24 this Is a known bug and we're working on getting it resolved, It's a Native Android bug so It's a bit trickier to pin down compared to PC bugs I will make an update post once the bug is resolved.

Okay! Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me!

Looks like a great game, but am playing on chrome on iOS and get this error, and am not able to play.


That's a curious problem, I'll add It to the list of current mobile bugs I'll be troubleshooting in the next couple of hours to see if I can get It resolved.

Chrome on PC, same error.

On the donation android build, I've been experiencing a bug. The game exits at the end of the day after unlocking and playing Sevros' 3rd heart scene. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, and clearing the cache, but it didn't help. 


Thanks for the reply ThatTurtle this Is a known bug and we're working on getting it resolved, It's a Native Android bug so It's a bit trickier to pin down compared to PC bugs I will make an update post once the bug is resolved.

hey quick question about Karla. 

So far I got 2 romance stages and I'm trying to get the rest. I've been having some problems trying to figure out what temperature and lighting I need. 

I have them both set to 30 and nothing really happened. I just got an event we're it talked about how the lighting was alot better but still stung a bit to look at making it seem like I still need to do something. What all do I need to do to get all of the romance events for Karla or is there only 2 romance events?


You have to make sure to finish all conversations and make sure that the conversation about Light or Temp is in Ask before any of your changes take effect. The conversations change each milestone level.


Alright, I have a lot to say, so I'll get right to it. I will apologize in advance if any of this comes across as aggressive or harsh, because it's not my intention; I want this game to be better than it is, and I believe making a thing better requires an accurate understanding of its current state and where it's flawed. Some of that involves expressing when I got frustrated with something and why.

First of all, the bugs. I'm playing version 1.4.1, I believe the paid version. My player character (PC) is male, and have so far selected Flare and Karla.

  • The first description of the lobby mentions "elaborate stacks of file cabinets towering to the ceiling" which is completely at odds with the actual artwork we're seeing when that text is shown. We never do end up seeing any file cabinets.
  • Is the main lobby broken? It just shows Karen, no dialogue, and an A/B choice that does nothing. What's the point of leaving the lobby button enabled if it's currently useless?
  • So many times, I end up buying the best room or changing stuff for a character, often even triggering their related scene the next morning, such as the room-changing scene, only to have later conversations proceed as if those changes never happened. In the case of Karla, the game refused to even acknowledge that the room had been changed no matter what conversation options I picked. I had to load an earlier save and wait until the conversation happened for that to work properly.
    • Recommendation A: If the player is not supposed to change things until the characters discuss them, especially if there's no code to handle this scenario, do not let them be changed early. Have them all disabled at first, then each conversation enables the relevant feature for that room.
    • Recommendation B: Fix up the coding to allow these to be done ahead of time, even if it means skipping conversations or playing alternative dialogue. If a player happens to have memorized the ideal settings for each character and wants to speedrun through them, it should be perfectly doable without causing a sequence break.
    • Addendum: The notes I took on this particular issue are... colorful. It felt like the game was expecting me to be as mentally challenged as the PC is - but more on that later.
  • The 4th love scene can be accessed the day it unlocks, but will trigger automatically at the end of the day even if it was already viewed.
  • After I unlocked Karla and put her in the room next to Flare's, the intro scene showed Flare's room type rather than the default room type. It was correct when I visited Karla's room normally.
  • The UI seemed to show Karla as being at 4 hearts at first, though she wasn't.
  • Flare replays her first couple of conversations once all her content is completed. This is a problem because those conversations are things like "Don't call me Miss" and "I'm obviously a fox". It's immersion-breaking compared to how it goes with Karla, where conversation becomes "You have a nice conversation with her" which is a good way of saying there's no story-related dialogue left.
  • A significant amount of the time, selecting "General Discussion" does nothing, and I have to select it again for something to actually happen.
  • Karla's meal plans are all mixed up. She's always talking about how she likes meat and wants meat, though her favorite thing is fish, just as an afterthought, but when I select the Meat option, the game says "lol eat it yourself that's the wrong food dumdum". When I went out on a limb and selected Pescatarian, which is by definition supposed to be seafood, the exposition on that result described... a lot of red meat and poultry, but no seafood. Karla even commented she loves all the meat but seafood is still her favorite, which is supposed to be what she got.
  • The writing for Karla's sex scene with a male PC is inconsistent with the art. At one point, text describes the PC playing with her nipples, but she's still fully clothed. When the text describes her pulling the bottom of her suit to the side to expose her nethers, the art instead shows her fully nude.
  • Level and Rep are completely broken. Ever since I maxed out the Rep the first time and unlocked Karla, supposedly leveling up, the meter never returned to 0 and has remained full this whole time, and my Level has also continued to display "Jr Researcher". I've done everything possible with Karla and advanced several days despite having nothing to do, even exceeding 5000 Rep, but nothing has changed. If there are only two characters, there should be something that tells me I've hit the end of available content.
  • A couple of the conversations with Karla about her vertigo seem to be either alternate possible conversations, where one or the other should play, but not both, or they're playing out of order. In one, she talks about being one of those 12% of harpies that's born with vertigo, and it's like "Man, that sucks, I'm sure we can research a cure," but then in a subsequent conversation, the PC once again seems to have no idea that she has vertigo, and Karla tells him directly, like they didn't just have a whole conversation about it. Then they reiterated the research angle, but it's jarring to basically have the same big reveal happen twice.
  • Typo: "By the might of our power of flight, none shall whether our gale!" whether -> weather. You weather an ordeal or crisis, whether you like it or not.

Now for other feedback that's not bugs but just things I want to mention:

  • Is any post-fuck content planned? More dates, more research, more conversations? Right now, it's like the entire character stops existing the moment you fuck them, get promoted, and get another test subject, which is a big disappointment. I would almost compare it to the distasteful "hit it and quit it" fuckboy mentality, or the typical Hollywood "the movie/series ends when they get together" trope. Avoid this! Add more dialogue, more conversations after the affection meter is maxed out. More experiments! We're supposed to be researching, here!
  • The room types need descriptions; the pixel art is nice, but purchasing a room is almost guesswork right now, and if one wants to take a role-playing approach, the Junior Researcher would definitely be writing a description of what the room should have in it for the work order.
  • The relationship with Karla proceeds more quickly than I would expect. She talks about how her people tend to be monogamous, and it takes forever for her to open up about her serious neurological disability (!!!) yet she jumps this guy's bones after only knowing him for a few days. It's like these milestones are just getting checked off a list so we can quickly move on to the next girl. I would like to see their relationship be more of a slow burn, and also one where her disability is in her file but early on she shuts down emotionally when the subject comes up because she doesn't want to cry about it, rather than it needing a big reveal. Have some special events where they test various drugs the scientists came up with to see if they have any effect on her vertigo, with the potential for more shenanigans like the face-sitting scene. Eventually, as the medicines improve, she opens up to the PC more, and one day yoinks him up to the nest after she goes an entire session without feeling like the room is spinning, and they make sweet love together to celebrate.
  • I cannot stand the player character's personality (good thing I'm sitting lmao). In most ways, he is the opposite of what I would expect of someone with his job title, lacking in intelligence, forethought, and personality traits other than "dumb cowardly doormat". I understand starting off with flaws so a character can grow, but this character is currently all flaws, except that the monster girls magically find him attractive in spite of everything else.
    • Several of his interactions with monster girls involve him asking about things that should have been in their file, which a halfway decent researcher would have at least skimmed over.
    • Knowing he was entering a room with a flying monster girl in it, but acting all confused and wondering if he got the right room, instead of immediately looking up when he doesn't see her, is not a sign of intelligence, and as a result, it's not funny when she jumps on him despite the scene being played for laughs.
    • Karla tells you her preferred room type, and the PC gets annoyed. What? It's literally his job to find this stuff out! And it's supposedly his passion as well, but stuff like this makes me question it.
    • PC just fucked Flare (and might be fucking her on an ongoing basis), yet for some reason he's shy around Karla? He seemed like a turbo virgin around Flare, so one would expect him to be riding high off that and be a lot more confident, but apparently he's back to being a blob when Karla shows signs of being into him. The most self-assured thing he does in the entire game is work his tongue when Karla lands on his face, and that had so much assertive, read-the-room energy it was almost out of character for him.
    • If you want the player to identify with the PC, or at least be able to put themselves in the PC's shoes, that usually means making them normal, reasonably competent, and maybe a bit shy the first time they get naked with another person. This PC is someone I can't identify with at all; his only redeeming factor is that he gets to fuck monster girls, and even that's more a consequence of his job description. I end up tolerating him to get to the porn.
  • You seem to have a dom fetish, and that's fine, but I'd like some more variety than that. Three female characters in this entire game so far, and all of them take a strongly dominant role with the male PC, who as I said before is a complete doormat. I think it's better when the one being dommed is actually competent and sure of themselves but takes on the submissive role to satisfy the partner's desire to be dominant. It helps them feel more like real people and less like the confident one is taking advantage of or manipulating the less confident one.
  • The game's version number is a bit deceptive. If there's only two rooms unlockable at the moment, out of what, 16? This is more like version than 1.4.1. It makes it seem like there's way more content than there actually is. 1.0 is supposed to be a full release, where all the main content is complete; 1.4 would be several major patches and/or DLC later.
  • The plot is really going with the Black Company model, isn't it? Karen has a terribly abrasive personality, and the PC just rolls over and accepts everything, practically simping for the company as soon as he meets her, when he's been given no reason to do so aside from being hired and then intimidated. It's not a good look, and brings up unpleasant memories of some of my own horrible former bosses. In that sense, I suppose it's realistic, but a porn game ought to be an escape from that part of life. Ever read the hentai manga about a Black Magic company? It's one of those with an obnoxiously long title, "Though Young People Recoil From Entering The Black Magic Industry, I Found Its Treatment Of Employees Quite Good When I Entered It" (and that isn't even all of it lol). Most of the presentation of this company seems to more closely resemble that picture of things, so Karen's harsh "shitty boss" personality kind of clashes with that. Making the player quietly sit in her office for half an eternity while she fucks around with some paperwork only to eventually reveal his promotion (which he should have been expecting anyway, the meter exists for a reason) does not work in her favor. Those are intimidation tactics; the subtext is "I pay you, I own you. I will make you sit here and do nothing for 10 minutes like a good little slave because I feel like it, and there's nothing you can do about it." It doesn't feel good, and it feels even worse that the PC sits there and passively takes it without complaint or resentment.
  • The idea of time advancing continuously in a game like this doesn't seem to serve a purpose. I ended up just leaving time paused, having conversations, and advancing the day when I felt like I had done all there was to do. I think a better way of doing this would be to advance time for every conversation, by an amount based on what specific conversation it was. So far, none of the conversations seem affected by the time of day, so time of day should basically be used as a natural limitation on how much you can do in a single day, there's no need for real-time advancement.

Oof, that's probably too much. I do like the game, I swear! There's just a lot that frustrates me about it in its current state, and a lot that I had thoughts on. I really hope some of this this helps in some way.

Android version keeps crash during the promotion scene

keep getting error on iOS browser that says “can’t find variable audio context” and I can never play :/

After the end of day expense report, the game crashes. Doesnt matter what I do, it crashes.

Deleted post

Hey there sorry about that! Luckily you're just In time we'll be releasing an update soon that fixes the exact Issue you just ran Into!

Sorry for the Inconvenience and I'm happy you're enjoying the game so much!

Deleted post

Hey, enjoying the game - up till like day 100 or something. I have two girls, the fox and the harpy. At the end of day expense report it cuts to a scene with harpy, then right after it crashes. I've rolled it back quite a bit, tried other options, the scene with harpy always appears and then it crashes. Playing on Android.


Yep this Is a known bug, I'm testing It out today and It should be fixed for next update sorry about that!

Okay! Wasn't sure how known it was - appreciate the reply!


Crash on the newest build once you have enough points for your promotion (second one)

  File "renpy/", line 918, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'Karen_Promotion_1'.


Known crash the next Kin Isn't available so the player can not promote.

Deleted post

Can you give me a little bit more details of what your current game state was when you encountered this bug. Were you on a new save file? Did you gain enough reputation to promote again? Did you run out of funding?

Deleted post

Ah ok so that does indeed need to be fixed if you're not playing the game perfectly it locks you from finishing content. 

Deleted 2 years ago
Developer (1 edit)

Did  you try to load an older save? You have to start a new game.

Deleted 2 years ago

My game keeps crashing when it goes to load up on day 15, I'll post the crash log.

While running game code:

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 6, in script call

    call check_rep

  File "game/define.rpy", line 259, in script call


  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 6, in script call

    call check_rep

  File "game/define.rpy", line 259, in script call


ScriptError: could not find label 'Karen_Promotion_1'.


Known crash the next Kin Isn't available so the player can not promote. This is why this crash Is occurring.

So the game crashes after once I try to lvl up reputation to unlock the 3rd monster. I've already completed the fox and harpy/eagle girls.


The game is good so far I like the concept makes you want to know the characters better    

but I am running into a bug that crashes the game 

Here is what is says

 File "renpy/", line 918, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'Karen_Promotion_1'.

(1 edit)

Hey, I've just got a quick question. Im playing as a male and choosing only males, and was wondering if the mc is exculsively submissive in all encounters? And is this the case no matter which gender I choose to play as and the genders of the monsters aswell?

Im liking everything else but I might just ahve to skip all sex scenes in the game if the mc is submissive in all scenes. Wish we could get some choice in this but I understand you'd then having atleast double the work to do. 


There will be eventually some Kin where the Player character takes a dominant role In the sex scenes. Yeah unfortunately we can't have a choice for all scenes that would just be a bit to much to handle unless are team were to grow and we get more funding.



Monster XXXperiment 1.5

There was too much code for here so just listed where the errors were...= crashed



File "renpy/", line 918, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'Karen_Promotion_1'.

what are all of Flares settings?

atm under ask, there are 2x options to ask about temperature, 1 says shes too cold, the other too hot. impossible to tell what to set it to

The game always crashe's if im at day 20 😕

Having an issue after day fourteen where the game crashes and nothing works on my current save.

been having the same issue, seems to happen because I jump ahead of what the second guy/girl needs.

(1 edit)

I have a problem after the 16th day the game stops and when I try to open it again the same problem occurs, what is the solution?  I am using android system

i get this error each time i reach day 12 and reaserch level 3

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 6, in script call

    call check_rep

  File "game/define.rpy", line 259, in script call


  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 7, in script call

    call management_screen from _call_management_screen

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/game_loop.rpy", line 27, in script call

    call inside_the_room

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 242, in script call

    call check_gameover from _call_check_gameover

  File "game/script/Scenes/daily.rpy", line 6, in script call

    call check_rep

  File "game/define.rpy", line 259, in script call


ScriptError: could not find label 'Karen_Promotion_1'.



Monster XXXperiment 1.5

Mon May  9 21:39:41 2022

Like the game so far, just one thing: when your rep is enough you get promoted, and you get the new subject, but then the event that triggers every morning becomes the new subject's. You can't trigger the first subject's event even though you already set the right conditions. Which means if you haven't finished the first subject's events before your rep reaches the second subject, it's impossible to see the rest of the scenes with the first subject.

So a suggestion: don't show the events one at a time every morning, just add up all the triggered events with all the subjects that day and show them together the next morning. Otherwise it is not really easy to finish all the events with one subject.

I had some trouble launching the game in linux:

$ ./ 
X Error of failed request:  BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)   Major opcode of failed request:  18 (X_ChangeProperty)   Serial number of failed request:  267   Current serial number in output stream:  267
Luckily, I found a workaround here:
$ convert -resize 1000x1000 game/gui/window_icon.png game/gui/window_icon.png

The `convert` command is from the ImageMagick package (it's usually installed by default or in your distro's package manager repository). Posting here in case anyone else has this problem since it took a bit of digging.

I have but to report that wasnt originally there when I played a few times. When I loaded then game this would show up preventing me from loading my saves or even restarting the game. PS: I'm not sure what it means cause IM on pc not mobile.

i played this a few months ago and was wondering if its possiable to be the top when doing the m/m route


Right now it's not possible to be the top until we create a character that the mc takes more charge over.

(1 edit)

OK was just wondering cant wait for that option doing great work. Also i have an idea for 2 future room. Have them have multipe monsters that in there bio u find out that they are very social and need others of there kind to be with them. like real life animals like hamsters or fish or----. (Like some sort of incect hive) (or a herd of kobolds).

(1 edit)

Using the paid Android version. There seems to be a bug where scenes from Servos are randomly triggered when I'm in another kins room. It's happened a few times now despite me going into Servos' room that day and them not triggering in his room.

Looks like this is happening with Alek too. I was talking to Servos and suddenly an Alek scene triggered.


This is the game's random event system we just introduced this patch. The Kin randomly start conversations with you the player at times.

(1 edit)

Ah gotcha.

This system has bugs though because the 4 heart Alex event randomly started well I was looking on kin room page (with all the rooms). None of the pictures triggered. 


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script/room_func/settings.rpy", line 6, in <module>

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/room_func/settings.rpyc", line 3, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/room_func/settings.rpyc", line 5, in script

  File "renpy/", line 928, in execute

  File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode

  File "game/script/room_func/settings.rpy", line 6, in <module>

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable



I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 569, in execute_call_screen

  File "renpy/common/00action_other.rpy", line 537, in __call__

  File "game/define.rpy", line 68, in add_time

  File "game/define.rpy", line 585, in add_affection

  File "game/define.rpy", line 319, in AddAffection

AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'milestone'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/room_func/settings.rpyc", line 3, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/room_func/settings.rpyc", line 5, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/female_flare.rpyc", line 468, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc"



lmao really? If you type in an age below 18 it hard crashes?


Why you typing in an age below 18 👀

(2 edits)

There is this crash that happens on the cutscene where Flare asks you out for taco time and when you answer correctly is crash. (I would screenshot but I forgot how to on pc.)


thanks for report!

(4 edits)

The file window_icon.png has a resolution too high for some linux devices

I am not sure what would be a proper solution to this problem. For now users can resize the file. Can you please release an update that reduces the size of the image? Since it's just a window icon, I don't think it has to be that large. For reference, another developer used the 256x256 size. 

Keeps Crashing to desktop at day 15 is that normal? 

(1 edit)

I have a question! I'm quite stuck on Karla the Harpy and it was about the temperature. To be specific, the room temperature not the lighting temperature. I was wondering, what degree should it be settled at?

(1 edit)

I noticed a bug, and I wanted to mention it before I forgot.

After I got the third Kin, this message keeps popping up whenever I try to talk with a Kin.

Warning: write error: Failed to execute 'transaction' on  'IDBDatabase': The database connection is closing.

I can still talk with them, and the message only stays there for a couple seconds, but still wanted to make you aware of it.


Flare's dialogue for lighting is off. I saw someone else in here mention what the correct setting is, but before that I kept lowering it and even put it at 0 and she was still saying it was too bright when she should've said she wanted it brighter.


Yep this has been fixed and will be present in the new update

Problem with Karla. No matter what temperature I set things at, it does not give me the temperature is perfect image. 

Playing the latest free build I think, and I only just met Vallory but her room is the cavern room that Sevros has as opposed to the standardized room the text describe

There's a bug with the lioness in heat scene

I can't install the paid Android version, it says the package is invalid whenever I try. I re-download it just in case and got the same error.


idk if this thread is dead or not, but here's a bug I found

For me, the lion guy crashes the game when interacting with him

If hes on the screen, the game crashes

I am on Android that's a 9 or 10nth gen if that's anything

I'm on android and randomly the game crashes and my error mssg is "the game has stopped because of a bug Please update when the Developer has Fixed the bug" that's it.. what do I do????

I'm on the demo android version btw if that helps

Just bought the paid version ($5) to finish Vallory's story and I love her so much~ Hoping the beta releases smoothly and well-liked!! 

Whenever i refresh my google, is it normal for the game to completely loose its progress? i’m playing on browser if this helps

the lions must be bugged or something, I can't seem to get the lights corrected. Everything I try keeps saying the temperature is perfect. What are the perfect settings for Alek's Room?

add social problem in renpy...

Can there be futa options?

Vallory's food is broken I gave her Vegan like it says and she keeps complaining that She doesnt want food but if she must vegies

I can't name the protagonist on the web version

Been playing the game for some hours and i have been having trouble with Alex in specific, i'm on the paid android version and everytime Alex scolds Michelle my game crashes.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script/Scenes/kin/alek.rpy", line 154, in <module>

NameError: name 'disolve' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1724, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1714, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/male_flare.rpyc", line 780, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1817, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/male_flare.rpyc", line 780, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1724, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1832, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/sevros.rpyc", line 711, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1817, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/sevros.rpyc", line 877, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1770, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/sevros.rpyc", line 623, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1724, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/room_func/settings.rpyc", line 5, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/alek.rpyc", line 575, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1776, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/alek.rpyc", line 549, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1823, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/male_flare.rpyc", line 874, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1714, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/alek.rpyc", line 877, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/game_loop.rpyc", line 40, in script call

  File "script/menus.rpyc", line 1817, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/alek.rpyc", line 811, in script call

  File "script/Scenes/kin/alek.rpyc", line 154, in script

  File "renpy/", line 1654, in execute

  File "renpy/", line 1092, in py_eval

  File "renpy/", line 1085, in py_eval_bytecode

  File "game/script/Scenes/kin/alek.rpy", line 154, in <module>

NameError: name 'disolve' is not defined


thats the same thing im getting! its completely stopped me, i can no longer progress. :(

I was able to bypass it, try to use the "ignore" it somehow worked for me, maybe it will work with you too

(1 edit)

When Michelle first says you smell good and then alek calls her off you. i get some crash bug thing that says something like "dissolve not named" or something??? i cant progress cause it is a random event so i cant stop it from happening.