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monster girl squad leader and war sysem

A topic by makovjuraj created Dec 29, 2021 Views: 755 Replies: 5
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(1 edit)

can anyone tell, how to get better monsters for squad leader army, something like salamanders or mumies. + how to get better horses and better equipment for squads. I can make blue armor and win blue veapon, but I only can win purple horses for heavy cavalery and buy green horses for light and medium cavalery. And I noticed, that one thing with gaining Xp in arena is possible only to level 10 and after that squad will gain some Xp only if it deal damage and does not kill target. So is somehow possible to evolve your squads after they reach level 10 without endlessly scrolling raid on academy on hard mode, so they does not kill in every attack? And gaining global army level does nothing to squads, It is maybe not added jet, but it will be nice, if it will somehow make squads stronger, like: global army level reached at 10, + 10% stats to every asqad leader or memory updated + xp gain or something like this.

But in other site, thank you for updating this part of game and making next step into war events against other countryes. In that case, it is only suggestion, but is possible in future, that win or lose in war against another country will affect on map and another things like this? For example: enemy warriors will be replaced on maps of that state with yours, enemy ruler will be executed/ imprisoned/ made as vassal (choice example) and you will be able affect on country with world map. (upgrading, building ect.) It will be in my option good idea, that your country income will be increased and you will be able to recruit/ execute... enemy commanders, so people will not be affected and story lines will be changed slightly, but it will be good idea to put something like warring sign, to inform player, that warr will be able to make some quests unavaible to finish. And if you lose the war you will mus pay reparations (gold to 0 and resources to 0) and you will pay taxes to winner country for eternity, and you will be not able to manage another war due to enemy warriors in your country and your unability to use vangard fotress. If my idea somehow interest you, It will make me happy, but if you have another better do yours. If that message sounds rude sorry for that, and sorry for my english, if I made some spelling mistakes, I am not from english speaking country.


You need to capture and release 3 monstergirls of the specific type to unlock them as "equipment" for Mia.
It's not intended that you gain any XP after level 10. That's the current max level. 

The current plan for war is that you prepare everything in the current time, and during the time skip event you'll go to the actual war if you want to.

Vanguard loot

Thanks you for info and I am waiting for new game update.

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Can i ask? How much chance players can get magic staff and unicorn? i collected 1x magic staff and 1x unicorn so far, after I get those, i playing bonus battle 2 more than 20 times and always fail to obtain second unicorn and magic staff.  In bonus battle 2, those items much harder than find sword and axe with shield.

Developer (1 edit)

There is a 1 in 10 chance for each of the rewards for the bonus battles.

Thank you for your reply :)