This is a series of updates that were made to the game in chronological order. These updates were made when the game was primarily hosted on a different site (which I have now ditched due to creative differences) and this is essentially a re-logging of them for archival purposes.
If you're interested in this kind of stuff, you'll love the Update log for the first game.
[January 16, 2021, 3:23 AM - v0.0.2]
Update v0.0.2 to "Battery Chad Builder 2: Topdown Tileset" is here!
Hello all! So, I've decided to make my first official update for Battery Chad Builder 2: Topdown Tileset!
I didn't add a whole lot - consider this a bit of a 'test drive' more than anything. Something to open the doors for future updates of a similar sort.
Added quality of life changes from Battery Chad Builder!
Very recently, as you can read about here [January 15, 2021, 9:17 PM - v0.3.9 - The Quality-of-Life Update], I updated Battery Chad Builder for the first time in what might as well be forever. I added some quality of life changes that simply make the game a little more enjoyable to navigate. Well, essentially, I've now added those exact same features to Battery Chad Builder 2: Topdown Tileset. I've added save slot transparency, a warning prompt for overwriting files, and of course - the world remember feature.
Added Big Boy!
The one and only actual new ITEM this update brings! Returning from Battery Chad Builder, it's the Big Boy boss! Now with all new graphics to reflect this game's artstyle, as well as a slightly tweaked moveset to fit a topdown game rather than a platforming one.
And there's more on the way!
I want this to be the gateway for more such updates to come!! I want Battery Chad Builder 2: Topdown Tileset to be able to live up to the legacy of Battery Chad Builder. I want this game to receive an overwhelming amount of updates, love and care. So, get ready for more updates, with new items, enemies, mechanics and more!
[January 18, 2021, 1:54 AM - v0.0.3]
New update!
Version 0.0.3 of Battery Chad Builder 2: Topdown Tileset is here!!
I've made 8 spicy new additions that you can use in your levels!!
Surprise! As promised, here is the first of many variety DLC packs to Battery Chad Builder 2: Topdown Tileset! Me and my good IRL buddy Colin were on call and came up with many ideas that I've implemented as features! So, without further ado, let's explore the latest version!
Okay- first off, the boring stuff.
- Fixed glitch where you could be hurt by something from a different screen
- Tightened the spread of Big Boy's rocks to up the challenge of the fight
- You can no longer place multiple of the same boss on the same screen
- NPCs with keys will now only give you the key once, even if you talk to them multiple times.
- Various other bugfixes and formatting optimizations
Alright. Now let's get into the exciting stuff!
Added Mailboss!
This furious foe has returned from the original Battery Chad Builder game! Mailboss will circle around Chad, but lookout- Mailboss will shoot battery projectiles at Chad! If Chad is idling, Chad can avoid taking damage from these projectiles. Chad must time his shock attack just right to be able hit Mailboss while he isn't flashing!
Added Sign!
Ever want to tell something to the player without it coming from a character? Well, now you can! This item functions just like a dialogue NPC, and will relay to the player whatever you have set as the NPC dialogue for the screen the item is on. The only difference is that Chad is now "reading a sign" rather than talking to a character!
Added Note!
This item functions just like the sign! However - it's single-use only. Once Chad reads it, it will be destroyed, and he won't be able to read it again.
Added Healthgate!
This block can be toggled between 4 different states, and will only let Chad through if his health matches its state!
Added Pointgate!
This block has 3 states: 1, 5 and 10. Whatever state this block is set to, Chad will have to have that many points (or more) to be able to pass. However, once he passes, he'll lose those points from his score.
Added Gravity Switch!
Returning from the original Battery Chad Builder game is the Gravity switch! However, in this game, it works a bit... differently. Pressing the Gravity Switch will invert all the controls! Now Chad must press W to go down, S to go up, A to go right, D to go left, J to idle and K to shock! Chad's controls will remain this way until he can find and activate a Gravity Switch!
Added Bluebird!
Remember Chad's bird friend from the original Battery Chad Builder game? Well, she's back- with a twist! In the original game, Bluebird would start following Chad when they came into contact, and while being followed by Bluebird, Chad could jump in midair! However, once Chad pairs up with Bluebird in THIS game, he'll be able to walk through any solid blocks! Well, except for Birdcage blocks. Bluebird will continue to follow Chad until he takes damage.
Added Birdcage!
This block is completely walkable usually, but if Chad has a Bluebird following him, it will become a solid collision for him!
And there's more on the way!
I plan to continue updating this game to add many new items and features just like these ones!! I really enjoy being able to both come up with new mechanics for a topdown setting, as well as re-interpreting mechanics from the Battery Chad Builder game to fit the topdown gameplay! So, I foresee many more features and additions coming to this game! With 4 out of the 6 bosses from the Battery Chad Builder game now being in this one, I'd also soon like to add the remaining 2-- Disc Von Doom and Dressguard. And, of course, I've already confirmed that eventually a campaign mode will be added to this title.
Let me know what you think of these new additions, and how well they improve the game! That's all from me for now.
Stay tuned, and of course-- SHOCK the world!! :)