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Battle Gem Ponies

A super-powered, shapeshifting pony RPG. 路 By YotesMark

Bugs Unearthed Sticky

A topic by YotesMark created Mar 28, 2016 Views: 2,484 Replies: 33
Viewing posts 1 to 26
Developer (4 edits) (+1)

Find any bugs? Post 'em here and I'll definitely see them. I aim to squash as many as possible for the next demo release.

We can work together to make Battle Gem Ponies as polished as possible!

Just post a picture (if you have one), what the bug is, and how you found it.

Developer (6 edits) (+1)

Current Build Bugs (V4.5):

Class A (Crash/Game Break):
- Infamous "Zombie Lock" bug. 0 HP battle lock. Usually involves Vinerva. Leads to broken text IDs after battle
- Attacks calculated for pre-switch pony. Dont do math until both accounted for.
- Class match double check
- Multihit calc is too late
- HP perc check
- Move does not call nextstep
- Move lock-up GP depletion
- Pushing run/cancel too often boots to title or exits battle
- Exit from house to map corner or cave
- HPmax[] based on save data
- StatOrbs based on save data
- House Upstairs try loading NOT the same scene. Each floor gets a scene. No harm in having a ton right?

Class B (Gameplay Glitch):
- Force input off on level load for a few seconds
- Reset hp after battle
- NPCAI FindPreviewPos (wait during map load)
- NPC clipping

- [ESC] too many times from battle and you clone yourself in overworld.

Class C (Art/Sound Errors):
- Press run button, flickers before changing
- In battle nameless opponent
- Critical text color on no effect moves
- Pony in wall
- NPC turn rate too fast
- Partygems recalled
- Battle cam misplaced
- Dynamically fade txtShadow
- In battle, first stats set fades early. 2nd page runs normally. (being called be PhaseCon?)
- "Miss" needs to appear sooner or play sfx ahead.

I found another bug that happens when you play adventure mode, exit with esc and then try to play a random battle. It seem's like your opponent can not faint until one of your team does. They will be at 0 hp and only 1 attack will go off, If my pony is faster; my attack goes off then the opponents turned is skipped while they stay at 0hp.

Hello, I am on Mac OS 1.6 Snow Leopard and when I try to launch the game by double-clicking on it, the app quits immediately with an error message that says that "the app has unexpectedly quit". I've tried moving it to the application folder, but it doesn't change anything.

I think the problem comes from my OS (Snow Leopard is a bit old) but I am not an expert on the matter. Can you help me?


It may be because of Snow Leopard because I used El Capitan to build it. I just set it to OSX and it must've chosen the latest version by default. I don't think it's an issue with being blocked if you can get the app to open and crash. If resetting your computer and trying again fails, I'd assume I need to look into universal compatibility for the next build.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Here's another possible (but annoying) way to fix the compatibility problem found on the Unity Forums:

It seems to be a normal unity-mac problem. Right clicking the application> Show Package Contents> Contents> Mac OS> (BGP Pre-Alpha, or something similar for the app title)

Open Terminal and type "chmod +x"
hit space
Drag your file over to the terminal
hit Enter

If you did this correctly the file image should have changed and the game should now launch correctly.

Nope, still doesn't work. The terminal executes the command without any error popping, but nothing happens.

If the problem comes from Unity though, it's definitively my OS that is too old. The recent versions of Unity work only for Mac 10.8+.


Dang. I really hope that isn't it. A lot of people have older Macs and I'd hate for them to be blocked from playing. The game isn't even THAT complex. I'll try to see if Unity let's me build to at least as far back as 10.6.

Worst case, I'll have to put OSX 10.8 as the minimum specs.

(2 edits)

Hello, it's me again. I have recently bought a PC and have been able to play the demo. I will list the bugs I found here.

- When I first played the adventure mode, I passed by this sign and was teleported inside this house.

- When I exit said house, I glitched into the wall : capture

I can then move into the black area freely and go from house to house, but I can't enter any of them and I have to return to the title screen.

- I found an item on the ground where there was nothing, and I can't make the text message disappear. The animations are still playing so the game didn't froze, but I can press any key and nothing happens : capture (the duplicates are from the escape bug)

And even when I return to the title screen and try adventure mode again, I am still stuck and can't make any movement.


Yeah, a lot of those have to do with the duplicates glitch which I just fixed the other day. If one clone hits a wall, neither can move, they both detect items, they can both enter doors, and the clone is usually off-screen.

Fixing the other bugs will be much easier now that I Cleaned Up My Codebase and can more easily pinpoint these problems.

Hopefully build 5 will have all these things resolved! I'm dedicating next week to fixing every single bug so far. (Congrats on the new computer by the way!)

Yay bugs!  Next time I'll take pictures :)  These are bugs for the PC version of the 2021 Battle Demo release:

  • As Player 1 in a battle, no matter which pony I had fighting, the name would show up as Epona in the upper narration.  The name always showed correctly in the bottom left hand corner, but never in the narration.  Always Epona.
  • The computer Player 2's Oscina's name showed up as Ditzy in the narration once during battle.
  • The swirls that came with my pony being attacked with Daze stayed even after my pony had regained consciousness.
  • Sometimes my bottom left attack option would disappear and only 3 would be available as opposed to the 4, then it would randomly show up again later in battle.

And not sure if this last item is a bug...  But is there a limit on how many times you can use certain attacks?  Where does this show and is there a counter so show when you're out?  Some of my attacks just stopped working in the battle and I was stuck with using Tackle for the remained of the battle until my pony fainted. 

  • Each pony partner has a name like "Epona" or "Ditzy" that you can change on the Team Select screen. That's you pony's real name. Now each form it can turn into has a species name like Simber or Orscina that you can also nickname to be whatever you want. 
  • The leftover swirlies is indeed a bug and we'll have to clean that up next patch. 
  • When a pony runs low on Gem Power it can't use expensive moves like Heavy Attacks anymore. You can see how much GP you have using that diamond bar underneath your health. The number displays how many layers you have left underneath the current row of 10 on display. You get some back each turn so you can eventually use those lost moves again.

In the final game all these abstract concepts like GP, nicknames, and having a single shapeshifting partner will be explained in a tutorial, but for now we're just taking notes on what needs to be explained, what's intuitive enough, and what do players assume when they see something new. 

This post was super helpful and we'll be taking this feedback into account to make a bigger, better, clearer BGP!

All of these bugs were swallowed while riding the Windows, [2021] version of the Combat Demo.

    Out of Battle:

"Team Select" menu:

The Equip Item and Health Item slots will sometimes depict items as being chosen even if they aren't, such as when canceling back to the Battle Rules / main menu and re-entering Team Select.

I understand highlighting a pony in the player's roster of selected ponies and then clicking them again will make the highlight jump back to the first pony in the roster.

However, highlighting a pony from the roster, highlighting a pony from the pool to select from, and then clicking the previously highlighted in-roster pony will cause the highlight to jump back to the first pony in the roster as well in a sort of jerky way.

    (If my roster includes, in order, Rainbryte, Simber, and Orscina, and I click on Orscina using the six boxes on the left, then click on Mauss in the hexagons on the lower-right, and then click on Orscina using her box on the right again, the system will briefly snap to highlighting Orscina before jumping to Rainbryte.)

        (However, if I do all the highlighting/clicking using the hexagon section, this does not occur.)

The previewed selection for the moves of a pony form does not update immediately upon returning to the Team Select screen, but will still update correctly upon highlighting a different form and then re-highlighting the previous form.

When highlighting an unselected pony in the case of having a team roster max less than six, the roster boxes on the left will still try to highlight one of the empty, greyed-out/faded boxes, even though the pony-replacement system upon selecting the new pony still works as if one of the ponies in the roster is still highlighted.

    After selecting a new pony in this instance, none of the boxes on the left will appear to be highlighted, despite other game actions acting as if a was was indeed highlighted.

        Also, the "Select (Pony)" button will not update immediately upon choosing the new pony.

When choosing a preset team, including generating a random team, it does not stop the animation cycle for the pony on the roster in the position previously considered to be highlighted.

    (I have a team, in order, of Rainbryte, Simber, and Poni-Bot, then highlight Poni-Bot before clicking Finished. On the next screen, I generate a random team for the opponent, which automatically resets the highlight to the first pony in the roster. However, both the third and first pony in that team are now animating.)

        (I can also trigger the effect from the same screen multiple times by repeatedly loading/randomizing preset teams; in this way, it's actually possible to get an entire roster of ponies animating at one time.)

"Customize Moves" menu:

Enter Customize Moves menu for a pony.

Cancel back to Team Select.

Enter Customize Moves menu again for the same pony - with or without selecting another pony in between.

    (If you're already on one pony, it's the same result if you go back into that pony's move menu straight away or if you click another pony and then click back to the first, as long as you're entering the same pony's move menu twice in a row [or any number of times in a row, for that matter].)

The Customize Moves menu will now default to displaying (and editing) the moves for the party's first pony regardless of the pony highlighted on the Team Select screen.

The pony highlighted on the Team Select screen will still be highlighted on the roster to the right despite this.

Editing any of the depicted moves at this point will change them appropriately for the roster's first pony.

The roster will continue to show highlighted the same pony as from the Team Select screen, even after editing moves.

Clicking the highlighted pony at this point does nothing.

Clicking any other pony in the roster, including the first, works as normal and displays the correct moves, including upon clicking back to the originally highlighted pony.

    However, if the player enters the bugged/defaulted menu, clicks another pony, and cancels the menu without clicking back to the original pony, the bug will be reset, displaying the moves for the pony highlighted on the Team Select menu upon reentering the Customize Moves menu.

    Canceling and re-entering the menu for the same pony will present the bug as normal.

Entering, canceling, and re-entering the Customize Moves menu for a pony, as like above, will result in the same move slot (Lite, Heavy, etc.) still being highlighted upon reentering the menu, compared to all other actions resetting the highlight to the Lite move slot.

Addendum to a bug I've previously mentioned:  If a move's secondary class matches a form's primary class, it will not calculate an Ace Bonus UNLESS the move's primary class matches the form's secondary class as well, making it an Ace Major.

"Move Details" menu:

The icon-flash animation cycle doesn't properly reset;

Highlight a move.


    Wait until the class map is empty, then highlight another move.

    The new move's icons will display immediately and remain visible for roughly twice as long as usual for their first instance.*


    Conversely, wait until the class map is lit, then highlight another move.

    The new move's icons will display immediately, remaining visible for the normal amount of time, but during this first instance it is still possible to see heavily-dimmed versions of the previous move's icons for any class with which the previous move had an interaction and the new move does not.

*I don't know why, but for some strange reason this gives me a serious feeling of tense apprehension.

For whatever reason, when the GP Cost bar is filling up respective to a highlighted move with a cost of 6 or greater, the bar will fill up to 4, pause, then jump to 6 (continuing on as normal if the cost is greater than 6, such as 8).

Similarly, when emptying from a move of cost 6 or more to a move of less than 6, upon falling to 6, the bar will immediately lose 2 (and then pause before continuing as normal, in the case of moves costing less than 4).

The GP Cost bar always displays one more tick than denoted by the "GP:" label nestled in the middle of the four moves - with the "GP:" label matching the same number given by the move in the Move Customization screen.*

    *(When the "GP:" label is displaying the relevant number; see below.)

The "GP:" label will always display the GP number for the pony's Lite move when first entering the Move Details menu, regardless of which move is highlighted. All other information for the move seems to display correctly.

"Customize Bonus Values" menu:

The "+BVs:" section displays half of the number actually being added to the pony's stats, as revealed by the Stats menu.

"Preset Team Select" menu:

I swear I've had instances where the highlighting visual effect won't clear from previous selections when clicking on the different teams.

The box numbering seems a little off, and I'm not sure how else to describe the bug than that, given that I have boxes 1/20, 3/20, 4/20, and 5/20, but not 2/20.

    Deleting another team actually 'fixed' this, sort of; after deleting the fifth team, the box numbers did not update immediately, but highlighting each one fixed the numbering individually.

        (Highlighting box '3/20' corrected it to 2/20, '4/20' was corrected to 3/20, etc.)


Regardless of what the player names the opponent in the Team Select menu, everything afterward still refers to the opponent by the name the player chose for themself.

    (I name myself 'Speed', I name the opponent 'Com', the game calls the enemy 'Speed' regardless.)

On the battle screen, when highlighting a move, the damage of the move is displayed without considering Ace modification. However, the Ace-modified damage number is displayed upon clicking the question mark. Unsure if this is intentional, such as subtly encouraging the player to properly memorize the Ace system.

Currently, the Oblivion field-effect seems to cover up some number of the other visual graphics, such as damage percentages.

Death Glare seems to not work on Petrifus, at least when used by Simber?*

    *(I have not tried other variations of this concept, such as Simber against another pony or another pony against Petrifus.)

Death Glare also, when it does work, lowers the enemy's physical Defense and Energy Attack, where its description states that it should lower both defenses instead.

    Defense is lowered by 25%, Energy Attack is lowered by 15%.

The effects of Death Glare also do not seem to stack, though I have no idea if that's actually intentional.

The visual effect of Soak seems to sometimes persist past the duration of the status.

Are the stat reductions of statuses supposed to linger permanently, such as the loss of Speed and Evasion from Paralysis, or the lowered defenses of Sleep?

    Changing a pony's form seems to reset these stat reductions specifically.

Also, are the stat reductions from Sleep supposed to stack on the second turn a pony is asleep? (75%, then 66%)?

    Power Nap does not seem to induce the repeated stat reductions.

Is Sleep supposed to reduce a pony's attack priority? The enemy Ponatina was asleep, I changed to Xenoir, my Xenoir got off its Toxic Sting, and then the enemy Ponatina woke up and initiated the first turn of Skull Bash.

After the enemy Xenoir used Death Glare at my Vinerva, Vinerva had an angry-vein-pop over her head along with an arrow pointed down at her, which went away after the next turn, during which I knocked out Xenoir. I... don't know what that symbol meant, or if it was supposed to be there, given how high it was hovering over Vinerva's head.

    On further playtime, I believe I can conclude this is the visual for Intimidate's effect, though it still feels to be hovering particularly high above Epona's head (regardless of form).

        Scratch that again, because I think this effect appeared again over an enemy Ponatina after she used Bluff?

...I think there was an instance where the enemy Furum's Bide did nothing to my Simber.

    Correction, make that two instances, in the same battle. In the second instance, Simber used Flame Wing on the first turn Furum used Bide, and in both instances Simber used Star Fire on the turn of what I presume was supposed to be Bide's response, on which turn no damage was dealt.

        Not an issue specific to Simber.

Also, I'm not sure, but I think Bide might be dealing a single point of damage on the first turn it's used.

My pony's Speed seemed to be getting reduced to 85% at what felt like random instances.

    Specifically an issue with Simber?

Body Slam from Furum Dazed my Simber, which is not mentioned in the move's description.

Xenoir's Intimidate from the player's side lowers the enemy pony's Defense, rather than its Attack, contrary to the ability's description.

The idle animation for Sun Roots that plays between attack selections seems to cut off unexpectedly.

When the enemy Petrifus used Fire Stream on my Mauss, it played a visual effect of roots getting burned up, yet the visual and after-turn effects of my Sun Roots remained afterward.

Is it intentional for abilities such as Inner Flame to not activate until that pony takes their next turn? This was the case against an opponent Petrifus, at least once.

    And Simber, with further playtime.

Tackle does not currently deal recoil damage, and the player's Status Move seems to consistently be visible, though unselectable, when their pony is low on GP.

The stat icons that appear at the beginning of the idle-time interlude do not seem to consistently depict Glass Eye's accuracy buff. Either that, or Glass Eye just sometimes stops working for whatever reason.

Taunt does inflict Daze, but it does not increase the target's Attack.

Ponies can suffer headaches while asleep, as if the Daze condition is taking effect despite the fact that the Sleep condition is keeping the pony from making any moves.

The in-battle annotation for Thestra's passive only mentions her Energy Defense rising, though the effect correctly raises both of her Energy stats.

Is the effect from a pony's equipped item, such as Armor Plate, only supposed to activate / take effect for the first pony form sent out in a match?

Skull Bash does not seem to raise a pony's Defense on the first turn it's used.

Skull Bash will however activate Shyshock's Static Passive on its first turn of use - the turn when Skull Bash is preparing, not attacking.

If a pony uses Evade on the turn they switch forms, Evade will be used second, play out both halves of its animation (disappearing and reappearing) and then incorrectly state "(Pony) avoided the attack!" even if the pony did in fact take damage.

Also, Evade/Teleport/etc. do not remove a pony's shadow. I can easily see this as being an aesthetic choice, buuut figured I'd mention it as a graphical glitch just in case.

Venom does not appear to do anything.

Sound Wave will still announce itself as dealing a 'Critical!' despite no difference in the damage. Obviously not exactly a bug, but figured I'd point it out.

While Sleep Talk does nothing if the pony is awake, the game does not call out the move as failing in this case, instead playing out a normal attack animation without dealing damage.

    In contrast, Sleep Talk will not be so much as mentioned when used while asleep, the move skipped over entirely.

Snore Attack does seem to work as intended, however.

    Including mentioning that it fails when attempting to activate while the pony is awake.

When switching in Furum while the previous pony form is asleep, Compensate does not activate, even if Furum wakes up and attacks on the turn she's switched in.

Dive Crash does not announce its recoil damage upon the pony missing, instead displaying its usual "(Pony) landed back on the ground."

    Also, is Dive Crash supposed to double a pony's speed while they're in the air?

        And is that speed boost supposed to linger after they've returned?

Once, when my Furum was asleep from Power Nap, her Sleep idle animation continued despite her waking up and using Moonbeam.

    Her animation was reset upon taking damage at the beginning of the next turn.

Lastly, Shyshock**, Mothlass, and Xenoir(?).

    **(Double-bug:  Might be too cute.)

Okay, that's everything I've compiled over the last two days or so of sporadic playtime. My apologies for this report being equivalently sporadic.  ^_^;

Footnote:  Also, sorry for the excessive white-space. Itchio's comment-writing system seems to be both buggy and rather laggy at times... And tries to force double-spaced paragraphing.


Now that's a juicy bug list. Took a bit, but we've got it all down in our notes. We'll see about fixing as many of these as possible before the August patch goes live!


Got a fresh new demo up, with a smotherin' of Bug Fixes for ya!  Every glitch and error we could find since vending at Everfree Northwest.

BGP PATCH NOTES (Sept. 5th 2021):

The Big News

  • Passive Pony Abilities & Equips Now Work as Intended
  • Menu Issues, Resolved!
  • Glitchy Moves, Fixed!
  • Typos, Corrected!
  • Particle Effects, Adjusted!
  • Background Tinting Animations, Restored!
  • Shield Moves Actually Shield You!
  • Attack Info is Displayed Correctly!
  • Unimplemented Moves that Should Be Hidden, Now Are
  • Buffs & Debuffs Go Up & Down Properly
  • Pegasi Should Now Fear Flying Rocks
  • The Endure Mechanic Works
  • Devil Shot Deals Actual Damage Now
  • The Hidden Spire Trap Activates on Forced Swap-Outs
  • 2-Turn Moves Now Show Relevant Info in Menus
  • 2-Turn Moves Don't Trigger Enemy's  Impact Side-Effects until they Actually Land
  • Made Things More Clear When You're Running Low on Gem Power
  • The Badly Poisoned Malady Now Deals Appropriate Damage
  • Malady Afflicted Debuffs are No Longer Permanent

The Specifics

  • Air ponies can now be hurt by Earth attacks while Burrowed underground
  • Ponies hiding Underground or In the Sky can no longer force the enemy's self-targeted attacks to miss
  • Pony nicknames won't disappear when you return to Team Select after a battle with custom nicknames
  • Move animations that can change the background color now work as expected
  • Barrier's reduced Damage Calculation now works
  • When restoring HP with a leeching move, the camera will always make sure the healed pony is shown along with the healing text
  • Sleep Dust will tell the player when it fails
  • Moves not implemented yet have been removed
  • Stats Screen won't wig out in the middle of battle when a barely noticeable  "null animation" issue comes up (the null animation issue was resolved too)
  • 2-Turn Moves display the proper POW number in menus
  • 2-Turn Moves exist as 2 different attacks behind the scenes now So we can have unique effects for Turn 1 and Turn 2 that won't get mixed up as easily
  • Moves with POW that "varies" show up as "--" instead of "0"
  • Sleep Malady can last more than 2 turns
  • Change Moves screen used to sometimes show the wrong pony's info. Now it double checks for the most recently highlighted pony
  • When rapidly pressing buttons, the game can trip up. We addressed this on nearly every screen in the game
  • When out of GP and forced into "Tackle Mode", unusable moves get removed from play
  • We can finely control where we clamp the Stat Stage Buffs. (currently set on a -3 to 3 scale instead of the initial -6 to 6)
  • Speedster passive ability now works
  • Poni-Bot's Battery Doesn't absorb enemies' self-targeted moves
  • Thestra's ability activates every 3 turns she's on the field, instead of every 3 turns period
  • Life Drain particle effect animation flows in the correct direction now
  • Death Glare consistently lowers the same stats each time
  • Rock Toss & Rock Riot now harm Air ponies just like the description says
  • Star Spurs Equip now works as described
  • Hidden Spire hurts ponies that are swapped in after a KO
  • Fixed Ember Tornado trap animation
  • Yawn no longer resets itself
  • Gigazorb now works when used by or used on Mauss
  • Bide will only deal damage when the user actually takes damage, not when the opponent uses a move that could/will eventually deal damage
  • Venom is now guaranteed to apply Poison
  • Devil Shot now makes its POW 1/2 of the user's EATK stat
  • The UI will show you when Buffs & Debuffs are applied, right when they happen
  • Getting a 9+ Combo on a Multi-Hit Move no longer causes the Hit Counter to stay onscreen
  • Exiting Battle now Resets Bonus Value assignments and Toggling "Disable BVs" button won't erase what you assigned them to
  • Mini Pony Sprites Animate properly in their little boxes across all menus
Developer (1 edit) (+1)

0.32.5 Combat Overhaul Hotfix is up! 

Addressing issues with the previous hotfix build:

- Neutral Class doesn't affect Ace

- Mauss is no longer immune to status attacks

- Seed Mortar is now a Plant/Fire move

- Debug Mode is Disabled

- Some Spelling Errors Corrected

- UI Adjustments


-- Updated Known Bugs List Coming Soon --


A big ol' PATCH for the Everfree Demo [2022] build is on the way.
Gonna get rid of those game-freezing bugs we found during Everfree Northwest.
Check back in this weekend to find it!


[Patch Notes for 0.5.2]
- Wild Battles No Longer Freeze When P2 Picks an Invalid Turn Action
- Missing Overworld Interaction Text Has Been Reinstated
- Level 3 AI Will No Longer Force Basic Class Ponies to Go Ultra
- KO'd Party Leader Ponies No Longer Appear in Battle
- Erasing Files Now Fully Resets All Data for that File
- VS Match Menu No Longer Breaks After Returning from a Force Quitted Match
- Move Info UI is Slightly Larger


[Patch Notes for 0.5.3]
- Joystick on Touch HUD no longer vanishes when you exit a battle

- The correct company logo image now appears on the Splash Screen


Version 0.5.4 is finally out!
Tons of bugs got fixed, the 47 that we cleared up over the past 3 days in particular.
We're got our eyes out for a ton of other bugs that need fixin' this month. And once we squash em all, the list here will be a much more reasonable and readable size



Hey, Guys! We made a big OOF and pushed out a build missing the extremely VITAL ability to swap out your newly caught ponies with the Gem Storage system in Town Hall!

So we patched that up just now and you can download the fixed 0.5.5 build on Itch and GameJolt!

As an added bonus, you'll also get the couple features we've added to the game since Saturday:

  • Mid-Battle Dialogs with the Boss in Town Hall
  • Extended Keyboard Control Functionality (B, M, and Space Keys now DO something!)

馃懘鈿欙笍馃挰 NEW New Patch is Out!! [0.5.6]

The hardly-tested new feature we added in the previous hotfix completely broke VS Mode Functionality with a Null Ref error that leaves the game in a locked up state with the wrong UI as soon as you get into battle.

  • VS Matches Are in an Unplayable State No Longer!
  • General Settings Page has been Added to Options Menu
  • Text Speed Control Option is Functional

Yet ANOTHER HotFix! [0.5.7]

Due to the last patch overlapping with unfinished features, VS Match was broken in that it doesn't display any Battle Complete UI, leaving you sitting around until you hold [Esc] to go to the title screen.

- VS Matches Now Conclude Properly


For clarity

S-Rank bugs = makes the game unplayable

A-Rank bugs = very noticable breaks immersion

B-Rank bugs = not noticable to most, but reveals a broken system

C-Rank bugs = a minor glitch or balance issue that can be tweaked in seconds

D-Rank bugs = minor cosmetic jankiness that can be left alone

**For the BGP Alpha**

List of Known Bugs & Issues:

- Missing graphics & animations

- Wacky unbalanced audio levels

- Wrong party member names are displayed in battle

- Some text animation tags are configured wrong and look weird or show codenames

- Pony & move stats are unbalanced sometimes

- Ponies dont learn enough cool moves early on

- Things are too expensive/ not enough ways to earn money

- Granny in green house glitches out instead of giving you cookies

- The ending cutscene is missing transitions

- The postgame start is missing an intro cutscene

- The move Bide doesn't work right

- The super saddle doesnt do anything and nobody tells you that you have a normal one

- Sound Effects are missing

- Some cutscenes have little visual errors

- color tinting on sprites get stuck sometimes


Known Easily Encountered Bugs in Beta 0.7.0 include: 

- Big White Boxes representing Missing Sprites (after a big animation sheet changeup some objects point to the wrong places to grab graphics)

- Text Spilling Over Boundaries (we changed how auto resizing text works last minute and didn't review every place with text on it to make sure they still fit nicely)

- Some moves are invisible (still perfecting those animations and unfinished ones have visibility turned off for now)

- Some cutscenes feel... off. (we intend to touchup on those next weekend. Everything should feel natural and smooth)

- Sound Effects are missing (a lot of them still need to be placed)

Developer (1 edit)

**Known Easily Encountered Beta1 Bugs include:**


  •  Big White Boxes representing Missing Sprites (after a big animation sheet changeup some objects point to the wrong places to grab graphics)
  •  Text Spilling Over Boundaries (we changed how auto resizing text works last minute and didn't review every place with text on it to make sure they still fit nicely)
  •  Some moves are invisible (still perfecting those animations and unfinished ones have visibility turned off for now)
  •  Some cutscenes feel... off. (we intend to touchup on those next weekend. Everything should feel natural and smooth)
  •  Sound Effects are missing (a lot of them still need to be placed)
  •  Some Move Tutors aren't working (move select screen data seems to be out of sync with the latest movepool changes)
  •  Swapping Ponies in the Pony Gems menu can lock you into that screen (an update to prevent being able to put KO'd ponies at the lead party position seems to be affecting the menu as a whole)
  •  Level Parities can't be selected in Battle Rules Menu (buttons were left disabled)


Looking forward to having all these fixed in Beta 2 already! 

Changing a pony's form does not affect passive feild actions. I got stuck riding a pony when I switched from a rideable one to a non-rideable one mid-ride, and dark spaces stay dark unless I enter with a glowing pony, switching between them does not change the glowing status.

Missing hitbox in a tree allows you to escape the map (video attached) Playing on current version 1.0.3.


Whoa! That's a good find. Thanks

Developer (1 edit)

**Week One Patch+ [1.0.4]**


- Overworld Radiance Meter Shows Correct Pony

- Mangled Level Up UI in Overworld

- Universal Audio Settings Apply to All Files

- Random Arena selection only picks from Unlocked Stages

- Raising Stat Stages Beyond 3 No Longer Nulls Out the Battle System Data

- Flex Move Works Properly

- Meeting About Experience Formula

- New EXP Formula and Balancing Tool

- Meeting About Engines, Scope, Stability Issues, & Systems



**Month One Patch [1.0.5]**


- New Balanced Default Sound Effect & Music Volumes

- New Settings for Touch Controls Customization

- Faster Loading Times

- Fixed Obscure Softlocks & Finicky Unlockable Features

- More Reasonable Rare Pony Spawn Rates

- Adjusted Audio Source File Volumes

- Fixed Funky Collision Boxes of Battle's Action Select HUD

- Resolved Countless Typos



**Month One Patch+ [1.0.6]**


- Old Mobile Versions Updating to Latest No Longer Have Overworld Touch HUD Force Toggled Off

- Spawn rates for Rare and Super Rare ponies have more than doubled.

- Volume Sliders Work More Consistently

- Fixed Missing Endgame Credits
