In the Dl manual the peasant is noted as being able to wear, Im guessing the leatherish armor. THough when I try to equip that on the peasant, it states "unusable". Ill try to make sure Im getting the right armor. Its the one directly under the "cloak". And they do great as far as the foraging. those guys slow down food consumption. The ranger sees to do okay there. The barbarian, I didnt notic their foraging impact as much, the food consumption went quicker then it did with the peasant. Also, a note on the adendum abotu having 100 max food would be helpful and how food is purchased, as in when food is bought, its automatically split among the party memebers. And how levels work to and how they are displayed. The +1 or +2 next to the levels as to what do those mean and training at the academy is necessary. Is also how much xp listed some where in the character stats? I might have missed it.