I am not asking for information on when support will contact me, I simply want to know the methodology of this from other creators/users with experience in the matter. I don't believe this applies to the account restrictions/bans rule as it applies to a specific game and my account seems entirely unaffected.
I'm the developer of what I think is decently popular game here and, without any explanation as to why, itch locked the downloads for it last week, prompting a large influx of complaints from players who now have to go somewhere else to download it. The game has been active on itch for two years now, so the sudden locking of downloads for a game that's getting thousands of views on average each day is not only affecting my income, but just doesn't seem to make much sense. And while this is definitely something I think creators should be informed of when it happens (considering the first I heard of it was from a fan), I'm not about to pretend the world revolves around me.
I just want to hear from anyone else with experience in the matter since I was never informed of why something like this would happen and have been unable to find any information about this anywhere else on the site.