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Some animations not showing

A topic by TD Games created Apr 10, 2022 Views: 528 Replies: 14
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Hello, some of the animations seem to do nothing at all. I even tried from a blank project, and they still don't do anything. The ones that work are very nice! And I am excited to see the rest of them! Thank you so much for this! You're really making wonderful animations for our games that are truly incredible.

Animations that aren't showing up for me - Astral Raise, Calamity Star, Comet, Cosmo Beam, Favour Leo, Favor Pisces, Favor Sagittarius, Supernova, and Wish. All the others work perfectly.

Additionally, all the animations in the essentials pack work perfectly as well. Thank you!


That's a lot of animations not working! I must have messed something up while splitting the Pre-Rendered and Effekseer folders. The animations work fine on my end; I've re-zipped and re-uploaded the Effekseer folder here, It should work, now. Please let me know! Additionally, are you having issues with opening them on Effekseer, RPG Maker MZ or another engine? (I've just tested them both on Effekseer and RPG Maker MZ and they seem to work on both for me)

Thank you for your support and patience!


Hmm... It seems that I can only download the Pre-Render file, now. No way to get the effekseer files anymore. If I am doing something wrong, please tell me. Sorry for being a pain!


...I have accidentally checked the "hide file from public view" box somehow, that's why you weren't seeing it. I apologize. I also accidentally released this with an unintended 100% discount, which I did already update. 

I'm sorry for the rocky experience. There might still be issues with the download. Please keep me posted. Thank you!

I can download the effekseer animations again! Thank you. Still, the ones that didn't work for me still don't. Let me share some screenshots and see if they can help. I am just dropping the items in my effects folder, not messing with naming or anything.

This one, BlackHole is one that works perfectly.

Supernova is one of the ones that don't work. This is a fresh project with no modifications whatsoever. It just shows blackness the whole time.

This is my folder. I just dropped them in the effects folder. All resources are in the resources folder.


Try loading the animation even though it looks like it's not showing, then pressing Play! 

Sometimes RPG Maker MZ's animation loader hangs up. Let's check out if that's the issue.

(1 edit)

That actually did something! Hah! Missing file it looks like. This skill is using AstralRaise.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you, I see what's happening now! It seems I missed a few textures while converting the packs. It works fine on my computer as it still has the original files to look for. I'll have to go by animation by animation hunting for these - and your list certainly helps a lot - so it'll probably take some 12 hours for an update. Thank you once again! Check out later today, or tomorrow, for updated files. Have a great day!


Thank you so much for following through! I appreciate it and can't wait to see the animations in all their glory! 


I've just updated the Effekseer files. There were some pesky well-hidden texture issues that took a while to figure out, but it's great that we found these out early as that's certainly going to change how I convert the next packs. Thanks once again!


Thank you mate. Downloaded them again and most of them work.

Pisces, Supernova, and Wish are the only three that still aren't working, but the others work great now. Astral Raise is my fav animation!


I just downloaded today and can confirm that these three have missing textures. I have my Effekseer plugin report missing textures, and I see these messages:

Missing Effekseer texture: ../../Texture/EasySTAR/ANIM/Circle/128p_Circle14.png
Missing Effekseer texture: ../../Texture/EasySTAR/SPHERE/Z_002b.png
Missing Effekseer texture: ../../Texture/EasySTAR/ANIM/Elemental/128p_Smoke01.png
Missing Effekseer texture: ../../Texture/EasySTAR/Basic.png
Missing Effekseer texture: ../../Texture/EasySTAR/Basic.png
Missing Effekseer texture: ../../Texture/EasySTAR/Horizontal_01.png

I was able to fix Pisces & Supernova by loading them in Effekseer and finding the texture paths in Basic Render Settings (all the textures are in the zip, just the paths are wrong). However, I can't find all the references to EasySTAR/Basic.png in Wish - all of the Basic Render Settings appear to point to the correct Resources/Basic.png now. Is there some other place they could be hidden?

Thanks so much! These look wonderful.


Thank you for the report!

Since you're peeking at the leftover / legacy texture paths it's an easy way to see what I'm doing here: Originally all these animations shared a texture folder that I was constantly updating (for performance). But I switched to having them be independent, to improve compatibility and ease of use.

Some of these references are hard to find because they're tucked inside the Advanced Render Settings tab, which has some branching textures in it. I thought I had squished most of these, but some still slipped. How do you get the missing texture report? This sounds like a very useful tool for debugging, as for me they just look like they work! 

I'll upload a new update as soon as possible, fixing these leftovers. Thank you once more.

Wonderful. Glad to see you're working on it until it's perfect 😁

I'm using love2d and the EffekseerForLove plugin. EffekseerForLove has a custom TextureLoader for Effekseer to be able to load the textures using the love filesystem, and the error messages come from there. Here's an example love2d program that loads *.efk from a directory (hardcoded to SC-Astrology as an example), so you could see all the warnings for each file:

 local effekseer = require('effekseer')
 local manager
 local effects = {}
 local handle
 function love.load(args)
     love.window.setMode(1280, 800)
     -- Pass in true to print warnings, remove true to raise an error instead.
     manager = effekseer.newEffectManager(true)
     local path = 'SC-Astrology'
     local k, v
     for k, v in ipairs(love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(path)) do
         if v:sub(-4) == '.efk' then
             print("Loading: " .. v)
             table.insert(effects, manager:newEffect(path .. '/' .. v))
 local tot_dt = 0
 local idx = 1
 function love.update(dt)
     tot_dt = tot_dt + dt
     if tot_dt >= 1 then
         tot_dt = tot_dt - 1
         print("FPS: " .. love.timer.getFPS())
     -- Play the next effect if none are playing.
     if not handle or not manager:exists(handle) then
         handle = manager:play(effects[idx])
         manager:setLocation(handle, 640, 400)
         idx = idx + 1
         if idx > #effects then
             idx = 1
 function love.draw()
     -- Draw all effects using the manager

You need to run love with the EffekseerForLove plugin in the LUA_CPATH though, so it's not as straightforward as running other love2d programs. Let me know if you want to get it setup and need a hand!