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How do i find food

A topic by LonelyOpossum created Apr 13, 2022 Views: 1,770 Replies: 16
Viewing posts 1 to 7

i can't for the life of me figure out how im supposed to get food without either buying the very limited amount of it or starving first.

Im i looking for something that doesn't exist or am i dumb??

your not dumb just head to the monster town its the second town in the game and go into the pub there and goto the toilet there and you will get 2 prompt choices goto the back of the toilets and use the glory hole so patrons of the pub fuck your mouth and load you up on food (cum) this will take a while but its an easy way to get your food counter to go up.

hope this helps.

ps if you need help on anything else just message me and ill do my best to share my knowlage from my gameplay over the past year of playing this game also there is a wiki of this game that does help on most things about the game but wiki isnt always as acurate as it makes out.

Deleted 118 days ago

you are very welcome

This way of farming will affect your Purity though.

This page could help you. Most reliable way of getting food is buying it in an inn, so it's better think where to find some cash rather than looking for food. Most of money can be earned in various events that are fixed (three quests, two encounters, a treasure cave).

(2 edits)

the chests are totaly unreliable as 80% of the chests are Artifact chests and 19% are gold and 1% are food chests.

the most reliable and only true means of getting food which i only just remembered is to start fighting a sentaur and then surrender once you have bought the only 2 town teleport scrolls from the shops one in one of the 2 towns and the other i think is sold by the witch so when you surrender to the centaurs they take you captive in the village just outside the map and while there you just do the 2 diffrent sceans there to make money and get food which will grow little by little so to get a good amount depends on how much you can grit your teeth and not die from boredom and once you got what amount you need to play without too much worry then use the teleport scroll to get back out but be warned if you do this and you dont have a teleport scroll to get out then your game is pretty much you perma stuck and have to quit and load a save file from before you went in. To get a decent amount of gold which i think is 2 gold per day and 10 food per day to get a good amount takes about 3 hours in real life time! I erm am totes not a centaur gangbanger in the game lol. anyways hope this helps heaps!

ps the centaur village is the only place i think you can buy the centaur cock dildo.

Chests are pretty random. Sometimes there will be plenty of them. Sometimes you go around just trying not to starve.

But... I don't know, I always was attempting non-Slut runs, — meaning I did no farming, and I only starved once in the beginning. Food doesn't seem to be a problem. I have good Agility and Perception, I eat Harpy eggs, I find chests, sometimes buy meat from merchants, and it feeds me until I meet the Demon King which rewards you with 200 of Food if you defeat her.

Since they removed the option to manually scavenge for food when you're not starving, it's always felt like a chore that I don't want to bother with. I always just save edit and add like 5000 food so I never have to bother with it again.

where is the fun in doing that as your just taking out the fun and strugle of the game at least find a way to get food that is implimented in the game as it is intended and I love being a sexual captive in the centaur village and earn my freedom leaving with a new dildo toy and hard earned gold and food.the food in the gloryhole in the pub doese need to be fixed and upped to make it worth while as it is a joke only getting 1 food each time! and would be a great idea to add in more town teleport scrolls in the game sept to use them after a set amount purchased in the game the cost goese up by 5 gold coins per scroll after you buy what about 20 scrolls and i know the goddess alter tp's you to town but thats no use if your quite far away. just some food for thought lol pun intended.

I tend to keep long term saves, while the food system seems to be designed with a single "playthrough" in mind. For instance, you can't really "earn" more money by simply playing the game, and the only way to get food is to buy it or get very lucky finding a food cache out in the wild, or very small amounts when you ingest semen. The fact that there's still a talent to boost your scavenging chance, when you can no longer scavenge (aside from when you have completely 100% run out of food, and even then you usually only get enough for a few more turns, and risk a bad end if you fail), leads me to believe that the mechanic isn't in it's "final form" yet anyway. If enemies dropped a token amount of gold, so that when you got to town you could stock up (assuming they even have enough food in stock!), that would go a long way to fixing thing.

That and having extra party members shouldn't make you take more food per turn, but it does. I invited them to join me, I didn't offer to provide them food forever! But I'm damned sure going to take them with me, so cheating it is.

You can get large amounts of food for the long playthrough, by defeating Demon King many times and each time getting 200 of food. There also are a few ways to farm food that will destroy your Purity, but aren't really the cheats, glitches, etc. So, there's really no excuse to cheat except being lazy.

Farming money and food would destroy balance. Yes, the game is designed for multiple walkthroughs — as any visual novel style game, in fact. Some choices are only available once, some outcomes are the Game Overs (plenty). It's working this way pretty okay. I play the Orcblood Thief with all the companions gathered eventually (as soon as my Charisma is enough), and even without bonus points I manage to get to Demon King 100% of time. And I always was a casual player to be fair, so... You only need to get hooked.


I mean, you talk about how there's no reason to cheat because you can just fight the LAST BOSS OF THE GAME over and over again. First up, it's the last boss, so up until that point you can't use that option. Second, being able to fight the boss multiple times is a placeholder, because that's supposed to, you know... End the game, because you won. I don't think farming the boss of the game, in the very last area, for a placeholder reward really counts. The main culprit of the food issue is the increased food usage for having more people in your party. It costs like 4-5 food or something for every space you take, when you have all the companions, even with the hunger charm equipped.

idk, I just see it as Hiro not actually being destined to slay her. There's a hint from Catgirl who says there's a prophecy of some kind, but she says forget it as it probably isn't related to Hiro. So, Hiro defeats the last boss, but can't end her. And... he just makes her life difficult coming to her multiple times and beating crap out of her. And when he does, her servants are so scared they make a feast for him so he won't take on someone else while their master is fleeing.

It sounds pretty funny, and it still counts as victory for me, even though this isn't the end. Yes, you have to get there first, but it's very possible if you start walking and building up strength right away. Even with companions. You just need a few failed runs before that, which aren't really failures, because 1) you collect achievements, 2) you can play different scenarios, explore the game, and do what people do with sex games.

Like, I don't see the game broken the way it is. It sure is in the middle of beta, but it's playable and enjoyable.

If my earlier posts didn't give it away, I've been following this game for a while now (obviously since at least before the scavenging change) so I have beaten it without cheating. Now I play for, uh, what did you say... to "do what people do with sex games", lol. In that situation, I'm not playing for challenge anymore.

You can go to the inn and just sleep for 10g you get 30-40 food everytime.

Budouka and Keldon chill out guys LonelyOpossum asked for some food advice not a ruddy heated debate so chill the heck out and real in the egos.  -_-

I think it's just the opinion exchange. What really could be said was already said.