Hentai RPG Maker game · By RyenSaotome
will we be able to marry everyone before time skip is enabled(side and main)
All marriages for main characters will definitely be done before the time skip. Some side characters as well, but I can't say yet if all of them.
Awesome cause I wanted to marry all who I could to see the outcome
bro i need all side character names to be marriage
Bahasa Indonesia:ruang bawah tanah di gereja tertutup dengan kayu sehingga saya tidak bisa membuat cincin pernikahan apakah ini bug
Could you tell me, which character that can be married throughout the game? I mean until the latest update, not for future update.
Tsubaku,Sandra, and the elf mirel
oooh, thank you for the info. i'm so excited to to try it
Can't you also marry Mira the angel?
You're replying to an almost 1 year old comment. Things have changed since then. ;) You can marry all main girls, and even some side chars by now.
I've tride to do that but I can only marrie Mari and Tysuna
I tride to marry the others but it wont work.
There is a step-by-step guide for the events of all party members in the wiki: https://renryuu.miraheze.org/wiki/Characters
okay thanks!
What side-characters can I marry, and how? All I have is Barracks Captain whatsherface, already crafted her ring. As tothe sisters, Bragg's quest never shows up on the board! ... Only after I married Jessie did it.....