Hi! I'm a sucker for a good top down Asteroidish game, but haven't really found hardly any with some depth until Masteroids. I understand I came in just as you have introduced Missions, and am quite enjoying them. It's great that you only need a mouse, and the control feels right. A plus for non collision based objects, as if one were in space. A nice detail I noticed was the impact sound of the projectile. The background imaging is lush but doesn't distract from the game. I'm impressed. A few bugs though: on the Equip page it's easy to keep selling a weapon even though it's already been sold. A nice cheat for me, but you might want to know. I had one random crash with no error window, but no problems since. Every once in a while the controls won't respond to mouse clicks, whether it's boost or fire. Repressing the mouse button usually fixes it.
Keep up the great work on this sir. I'm glad to have found it---