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A cryptic puzzle game about being a bad coder. Also ducks. · By BobboDev

Reviews For Every Level

A topic by CubeCrown created Jun 23, 2022 Views: 318 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Level  1- Easy, good for a first level, getting the bug isn't terribly hard to figure out, though i initially thought you had to get the bug and complete the level for it to count so i thought i had to get back up without dying somehow. 10/10

Level 2- mechanic isn't hard to discover but is really only useful if you adjust the menu size, something that doesn't easily come to mind but doesn't get you stuck either. Bug is hard to get but i can see how you could figure it out on your own even though i had to look at a guide. 8/10

Level 3- I didn't associate the menu with actually being the lines of code that operate the level and even after discovering the skip option i wasn't sure if that had been an option the entire time. Hitting it felt cheap and wasn't satisfying for solving the level. Would've been better if the menu button did something that was obviously level specific, like being called "platform.move." Text for the bug wasn't hard to discover but it was unnecessarily hard to see all of it. 6/10

Level 4- Fun mechanic not terribly hard to figure out. Bug is slightly confusing to get. Pushing the duck was my initial thought but it needs to be a very specific size to be able to cross over. There's also a random cube you can push that served no purpose? 8/10

Level 5- Mechanic is almost instantly understandable but infuriating to operate. Getting closer to the duck makes you fall basically no matter what, which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't necessary to get the bug. Making it so the duck only needs to be in sight of the camera would completely solve all issues I have with this level . 5/10

Level 6- I thought to look in the files to change a text file, but when i didn't see one i figured that wasn't the solution. I would maybe think of making a file if the code in the level included a directory, but just putting an empty text file would've made this level good. Apparently you need to make another text file for the bug even though no hint for this is visible? 5/10

Level 7- Was instantly understandable and easy, would've been better as an earlier level 9/10

Level 8- Mechanic wasn't hard to discover. Initially i thought each 2x2 of squares counted as one square because they have white outlines around them. Moving properly was made difficult by the camera constantly trying to adjust while i was looking at the key. Bug didn't seem very difficult to get. 8/10

Level 9- No fun mechanics in site, just a tedious dodging of giant ducks with the added fun of this games slow walking speed. Some ducks were unpredictable and moved diagonally and as you got closer to the top it was practically dumb luck if you got hit or not. The bug moved great distances and only stops shortly, making it very hard to get. it is a bonus item so that's understandable, but it made me go through this level's tedious design multiple times to get it so it was annoying. 4/10

Level 10- Had no reason to believe the menu would be involved in this. I assumed to ducks position would move the folder closer or something. Was completely stuck after that didn't work. Would've been great if there was some sort of mention or inclination of the menu. Don't know if i would've figured out where the bug was without the guide but i don't think it's too hard to figure out. 6/10

Overall this game has a fun concept and the ideas for the mechanics were interesting but execution was ever so slightly lacking. This was made very quickly though so that's understandable. I see that you're working on fixes currently so hopefully this helps! 


Wow thanks for the detailed feedback! This is super useful. I don't have time to respond to each point but it's all really good info.

I will say that the random cube in level 4 is actually part of the intended solution for the bug, though I'm not happy with how I implemented it. Beyond that everyone is just brute forcing it by bridging the gap with the bug.

Intended solution:

There's a tiny hole in the wall behind the bug (the small cube obscures this). You've got to make the duck super small and push it into this hole (the small cube helps with this, it's fiddly. Then you scale the duck up and it pushes the cube with the bug on to an accessible point. Definitely replacing or editing this one anyway.

I agree with level 5. i was angry because I knew what the mechanic was but i was just incapable of facing the duck. Perhaps changing the character controller such that while idle the person snaps to face forward, it would be saner? For level 4, I didn't even know you could scale the duck /o\. I just shoved it under the bridge and walked over it.  Level 6, when I didn't see a file I figured a file wouldn't have to do with it.