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Bug Reports Sticky

A topic by LoveOSGames created Jul 15, 2022 Views: 3,421 Replies: 18
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Developer (1 edit)

Hey, please feel free to report bugs here.

Send a screenshot/short video clips/how to replicate the bug.

(2 edits)

Got way out of bounds in the monster area, by pulling a Skyrim I believe its called, also some missing textures across from the area I started the climb, namely behind the character in the monster zone representing you. Tried to add a screenshot but haven't figured out why it's not working right for me. (EDIT) Figured it out.


Hi, to be honest colliders for all locations are still not functional - not enough to prevent you from wedging to tight spaces, at least.
Thanks for the report! After important game features are done we'll fix the town and mountain's colliders.

I honestly found it more funny than anything, but was incredibly impressed by how well the game runs considering how much world and terrain is actually rendered, you've clearly done something right when it comes to game performance. A part of me kind if want to see just how far I can actually go. I can tell you a few other things, first the correct harvesting item doesn't seem to actually be needed has of the current build, you can harvest rocks with the axe in hand and trees with shears. Though if the correct item just being in the inventory even if not selected may be something to consider allowing. Haven't tested clippers has of yet so I can't tell you if they work properly.

I suggest the next build feature more of the general mechanics and some more debugging tools for testing. Such has a clocklike item for time passage, and something to text monster mechanics. I don't mind testing and reporting what I find has I find the game to be something I've greatly missed has a fellow fan of Breeding Season. The fact that it runs so well helps with my capacity to make this offer.

Side note I don't know if this was something considered already or to early, but with the focus on the game being first person and 3d maybe the player should be able to find some monsters having sex in the wild zones? It would make sense given the monsters' original backstory.

Might I also suggest adding an indicator to monster dietary needs if/when that gets implemented, another idea given the 5 food slots is using the barn to determine which 5 monsters you have in your yard, if only has a placeholder mechanic.

All in all I hope to see this project succeed, it is a huge undertaking and has the potential to surpass Breeding Season. You've got an amazing starting point and I look forward to seeing the future of this game.


Thank you so much for the thoughtful reply. I'm happy that you like the game and see its huge potential.

That's a good idea to indicate monster's dietary needs - the feeding system + sleeping for next  day will come at [0.0.3] and I'll definitely add that to the monster's profile.

As for monsters AI behavior - right now we only have the most basic patrol/wander behavior, after v0.1 release we'll definitely improve monsters AI :)

I have a bunch of ideas but I figure they are mostly more down the line and probably not for the bug report thread. If you are open to them I can either open a separate thread to list them for future content, and by future I am under no illusion that these are probably a dozen or so build down the line. I have one idea somewhat for the name of the game already, given your user name maybe something like The Love Ranch for a name or something similar, I don't mind bouncing ideas around.


That's really great! I'm not sure that itch is a good place for it though.

When we reach 100 patrons, I'll make a discord server for the game. I'll inform you when that happens, we'll have a channel for ideas/suggestions :)

Mildly curious is it purely you being uncomfortable/unfamiliar with TOS or something else, not everything on my list is nsfw, most actually isn't but ideas for parts of gameplay or mechanics that may be worth including, if you are worried about nsfw content, I can safely inform you of some other games with such content have suggestion boxes. I don't personally use discord, however I do recognize how it can be helpful for feedback purposes.


Oh, it's mostly because I'd rather keep communication to 1 social media. It's hard to keep track of itch comments and other social media. I'd prefer to have everything in one place that I can keep track of :)

Completely understandable, goodness knows I have problems with keeping login info for even so few as 5 or less different things organized or even remembering them. The less said about how frequently I check my email the better XD. Quite frankly I have a bet with myself for how long it will take me to forget my username for If your wondering the odds are set to forgetting it around 1 and a half to 2 weeks of not logging in. So yes, I totally get the desire to keep things in one place. I think my personal hell would be trying to live like those people that login to 20 or more different things a day. The amount of usernames and passwords... I'd either have to keep a physical list or just lose my sanity and/or throw my computer out the window in pure frustration.

Do not know what was going on in the game. It played entirely dark and seemed none of the overlays had transparent parts could see all of the eyelashes polygons.

managed to get frozen (no inputs accepted, not even esc) when filling feeding troughs with veggie chunks

no way to change which monitor the game displays on


i cant down load it through the itch app ;(

I cannot even unzip the zip file. It's saying I need to load a disk and copy a file or something. I just downloaded the most recent update on Windows.

Hi there! It seems the file is missing on itch when I attempt to download 0.0.12f. I'm not sure if the issue is on my end or itch's.

No matter what i do i cant catch female naga

I had a child that is male but has the futa trait, how can I fix that?

Playing latest version available on patreon for free, I'm not sure if I'm missing something? I can't turn in quests, because I can't open my inventory (the 'items' button when I press escape doesn't seem to work?) and there's nothing in my items bar, even though I've been running around collecting things. I seem to HAVE an inventory, as when I went to the crafting station I apparently had the requisite 3 weeds to make a collar, but now I can't even access my inventory through the chest!! The prompt-text pops up but pressing e on my keyboard does nothing. (It worked for me exactly Once. Then I did something? I think I tried to click and see my inventory while I was in the chest? and I think there was a weird moment of nothing happening or a visual glitch. I had already tried to open my 'Items', though. Maybe I interacted with it before the beginning tutorial was finished and messed it up, or something?)

Edit: Restarted the game, and reloaded my save, and it seems to have fixed everything! But I was worried that aspect of the game was going to be unplayable,, (glad there are cheats as a backup!! I also just like having cheats when I play a game, but I have a hard enough time relaxing without stressing over consumables lolol)

I don't know how you would replicate it tbh; I just started a new save file, and when I tried to use these features they didn't work.

That is all!! Thank you.