What basic animations should survival RPG characters have? So far I have:
- Standing
- Idle
- Walking
- Running
- Jumping
- Death
- Attack(Sword)
- Attack(Magic)
It would depend on the mechanics that you are going for, you may also need:
There's lots of things to consider. If you think of Minecraft or Stardew, even more examples come to mind like swinging an axe / pickaxe, fishing etc.
Hmmm... adding beat'm up standards, you're missing these animations:
1. Pain/hurt (getting hit without knockdown effect). Character resumes to Standing animation after this ends.
2. Fall/ knocked down (getting hit with knockdown effect). Animation ends with character lying on ground either face down or up. Character resumes to Rising animation after this.
3. Rising. From lying on ground, rising, stand on knee then standing. OR character could leap forward while rising.