I love this simulator but there are a few things that IMHO would make it a killer-app!
I don't know if any of the following will ever be included in the future updates, but I throw my 2 cents:
- LoS sound in FPV view: this would raise the realism of the simulator, as in real life pilots could fly FPV while hearing the quad in the distance, from their fixed position.
- Limited flight time: unfortunately batteries don't last forever... so simulating a LiPo discharge and, maybe, a LVC buzzer would be great!
- Import/Export quad settings: possibility to import/export various quad settings as "presets" or maybe (better) as text/cfg files... so pilots could be able to share them.
- More tracks: this, absolutely THIS... actual tracks are cool but it lacks some "classic" race/fun maps as indoor, park, high buildings and flags&gates tracks. Maybe one abandoned place to fly like Charpu! ;)
- Save/play replays: a "VCR like" system to record and replay (maybe in slow motion) our flights with the possibility to change cam on the fly.
- Fixed cams: more camera views like "gates cam" or "tower cam", cool if used in conjunction with the VCR.
- OSD: battery voltage, flight time, etc...