Post any bugs or typos you've found from v.0.30 here!
Please try to be as informative and detailed as possible with your report so we can tell exactly where you're encountering an issue!
A bovine's journey in a land unexplored. · By
When in the final 16 of the Athlima Summit and reading the text of the trio's battles before Killigan's, the supplies menu is available to click on. For funsies I tried to open the supplies menu but come across an error. Things SEEM to be fine when hitting ignore, but i didn't want to chance it so i just just restarted the game from a save file.
I found a bug that takes place in either the .28 or .29 addition to the game—still at the temple (I'm behind on all the VNs I play)
I had it occur twice. Once after Killigan gets ready for the day after watching his nestmates the night before, and once when he finds Ray at the waterfall.
Edit: Encountered it a third time on the way back to the temple after talking with Ray