Hi! :)
We uploaded a graphical asset pack yesterday (basically a bunch of NPC portraits), and published it...
Thing is, it's not appearing on the main search page, neither through direct search, nor by clicking on the specific tags. It seems it got stuck in the queue or something, because projects that were published anywhere from a couple of minutes ago to a few hours are appearing of Itch's main page. And the help documentation states that a project appears in the 'most recent' section as soon as it's published. Also, this graphical asset pack is safe-for-work, so it shouldn't need a human operator to manually go over it and approve it.
Could a mod please check up on the status of our project?
Here's the page in question: https://crimsondelightgames.itch.io/crimsondelightgames-medieval-and-fantasy-por...
Thanks! ;)
~ Crimson Delight Games