Why Shoud The Young Not play Visual Novels
Becuse they are all 13+ Or 15+ Or above+
2 They All Have tw Cw and mature themes (they cant be removed)
Im Spreading awarenes
I seriously doubt that visual novels with sexual content are the majority. For every porn VN you find on itch, you will find multiple short story VNs with no sexual content whatsoever. The porn just tends to rise to the top because (1) lots of people like porn, (2) it's easy to demonstrate the quality of porn through screenshots, and (3) it's a lot easier to write serviceable porn than it is to write an actual non-porn story that's worth reading, because there are so many non-porn stories to choose from.
you cant stop someone from watching sexual content, remember that one time British made a law to stop it. It didn't work. This is the same problem, you can't block VN with sexual themes, the creators either will lie to trick the system or the kids will find loopholes. In British problem, they can't block random website because there is too many and many also kinda lie by having loophole of nudiest under educational laws. So no matter what you can't stop it, they must learn one way or another.