For about 2 days now I haven't been able to claim something on due to a failed connection to my Patreon account. It has been working fine until 6 days ago and I haven't performed any changes on my side. Today I tried to disconnect the Patreon account but now when I try to reconnect it, I get the same error as when I was trying to claim something. The exact error I get is:
failed api request GET oauth2/api/current_user 401: {"errors":[{"code":1,"code_name":"Unauthorized","detail":"The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.","id":"aff9cb27-1664-5f74-803c-18309e802a3a","status":"401","title":"Unauthorized"}]}"
I am logged in the Patreon account in the same browser and even had the page opened in a tab in the same window with the same result. Any tips what I could try to get it to work?
UPDATE: after a tip from the creator, I tried logging in to claim the pack through my phone's browser - it worked fine there (though despite authenticating my Patreon account there, it is still not listed as linked in my settings page). Not sure how useful this is, but it seems this is an issue others have experienced as well.