So I've had some free time and would like to try some new games but don't know where to begin. My go-to genres are usually point-and-click, slice of life, (seemingly cute) rpgs with dark/creepy undertone, horror, adventure, dating sims, weird ass funky games that don't fit into any specific genre, interactive poetry. In general, I enjoy games with beautiful graphics or cute character designs (or else is fine).
Until now, my favorite games have been a few: resonance of the ocean, nun massacre, saint spell, hello charlotte, pink, aria's story, a short hike, night shift, perfect vermin, anatomy, some bitsy games, exhibits of sorrows, irori, good morning, everything is going to be okay, goodnight meowmie, paletta, i wake up next to you again, sort the court and many other extremely randome games.
Please suggest as many games as you can that are similar to the ones mentioned above. Thank you very much!