Hi! i just wanted to know. That scene where we met meko in the basement, he/she was talking about us talking to spirits ever since we came to the tavern, does anyone have an idea what/who is the spirit(s)?
Short anwser: no.
Long Anwser: It's heavily implied that people and monster who die within the fog turn into Ghost (or Slime first?). Others turn into corporeal ghost (Bull warrior in the first Dungeon) or worse: Revenent like the Knightcommander (black Wolf) and the King (white Lion-Daddy) in the second Dungeon. After Eyvind returns from the Snow field to the wood, the number of Monster and Ghost have dramaticly increased in Numbers and Quality, possibly the aftermath of the Bull-Lizard War. To make matter even more sus, the "Boss" (Red Cerberus in the Underworld City) tells about his huge problem to keep up with the souls ariving in the underworld, despit the Bull-Lizard-war being over. This may or may not hint for some even greater conflict/war outside of the fog.
Meko the special case: Meko know about Eyvind, but not the other way around. So it possbile the future Eyvind or a diffrent Eyvind (just like Snow is another version of Eyvind's dad), is going to meet Meko in the future. Meko's Soul wandered back in time, considereing the power of the magic picture within the temple. There is alsothe time-dilation between the fog and the outside world.
Definitly not Eyvinds Dad. Eyvind already mentioned that his Dad has been an adventure and became the blacksmith in his village.
However, just like Snow is a fog-representation of Eyvind Dad, and if there are multiple realities, Meko could by a close firend or lover of Eyvind in another reality of another time. We just have to wait and see which character Meko represent.