Known issues:
Can not load ANY levels, and ANY levels saved are invalid due to bad checksums.(Fixed in v0.0.0.2)
- Main Menu with Quick-Play and Credits
- Improved tile art by @ApplefootCz
- Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V will now Save Level To and Load Level From clipboard, respectively.
- Can now hide Level Editor menu - Hides itself on play
- Added RESET button to set level editor to empty
- Removed demo/ full version split
- Completing a level now returns to edit mode without deleting the level
- "Play" button now reads "Play <> Edit" for clarification
- Level now activates and deactivates elements on Play
(Level no longer auto-saves on Play)
(Level no longer re-loads on Un-Play)
(Wiring System state updates are inactive in Edit Mode)
- Fixed bug preventing wires from being placed between two objects even if they were compatible
- Clicking on edit items (draw/erase/ choose block/ choose object) will no longer cause Ghosts to appear while playing a level