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and it seems that if that form for tax issues is not filled out, a certain W8BEN itch. io cannot pay the developer

A topic by TOZUDO415 created Jan 20, 2023 Views: 284 Replies: 1
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Hello, I’ve been trying to clarify for a few weeks how to collect my developments, and I’ve had several opinions, answers, but in the end I consulted itself…..and it seems that if that form for tax issues is not filled out, a certain W8BEN itch. io cannot pay the developer, there are youtube videos on the internet that explain how to fill it out… the issue is that I requested the payment again thinking that the W8BEN form would appear and now I don’t know where to get it or where to send it. …it is also true that I have consulted with again…in short, if someone wants to comment on something, some detail that escapes me,…I would be grateful…

Hola llevo unas semanas intentando aclarar como poder cobrar mis desarrollos, e tenido varias opiniones contestaciones, pero al final consulte al propio…..y parece ser que si no se rellena ese formulario de temas fiscales un tal W8BEN no puede pagar al desarrollador, en internet hay videos de youtube que explican como rellenarlo….el tema esque e solicitado denuevo el cobro pensando que me apareceria el formulario ese del W8BEN y ahora no se por donde sacarlo ni a donde mandarlo….tambien es cierto que e vuelto a consultar con….en fin si alguien quiere opinar algo, algun detalle que se me escapa,….le estaria agradecido…

Llenar el W8BEN es obligatorio, sale explicado en la documentación que te dijimo que leyeras cuando preguntaste por los pagos tiempo atrás. deberías haberlo llenado cuando subiste el juego porque esa entrevista debe ser validad, en especial si no rienes residencia en USA.

La documentación es bastante clara:
"Before your account can collect any payments you should complete the tax interview" (ANTES de que tu cuenta pueda reclamar  pagos debes completar la entrevista de impuestos.)

El formulario W8BEN deber[ia aparecer en tu   "Account settings" y luego en "Tax Information"


Filling out the W8BEN is mandatory, it is explained in the documentation that we told you to read when you asked about the payments some time ago. You should have filled it out when you uploaded the game because that interview must be valid, especially if you do not reside in the USA.

The documentation is pretty clear:

"Before your account can collect any payments you should complete the tax interview"

The W8BEN form should appear in your "Account settings" and then "Tax Information"

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