I finished this project several weeks ago, but forgot to share it with the community, so here it is! (PS if you're confused by the size of chips, I noticed that I was running out of usable space in the sim, so I made a mod for the sim to have a bigger workspace and have a way of zooming in and out.)
A few weeks ago, when DLS got updated, I went on a journey to create a computer that could do these things:
ALU operations: X + Y, X - Y, X + 1 and X - 1
Logic operations: X and Y, X or Y, X xor Y and invert X
And as control unit it should be able to switch the X and Y inputs and it should be able to zero X.
It should also have enough memory to run a small game on it.
First I made some simple arithmic chips and combined them into the arithm chip (attachment 1), then I went ahead and made a logic chip, combined them and made the ALU. Soon after that, I made the control chip. At this point I still had to make a ROM and some memory to get the computer to run a program, so I made a 65536 bits (or 8192 bytes) memory module for the computer.
I then programmed a simple game to test on the computer. The computer will show the player a random (I haven't made a randomizer, I might do it in the future) decimal number on the seven segment displays (the one with the green wires attached) the objective of the game would be to input that number into the computer in binary. When you input a correct number, you get a point (displayed in the bottom right display), if your number is wrong, you can try again
This computer is (how I like to call it :) Nandpatible, or Nandgame compatible. Programming the rom should be the same for my computer as the Nandgame computer, although my computer only does operations in 8 bit. For the people that want my game ROM, here it is:
Now let's show you some photo's of my computer!