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How long does it take to get a project indexed?

A topic by created Feb 28, 2023 Views: 566 Replies: 6
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Jus wondering when I can reasonably be expected to get my game indexed? I’ve read the documentation and believe I’ve met all the requirements.


As explained in lots and lots of topics, your first paid game takes longer, nowadays it can be even two weeks. You published it two days ago. Please wait.

(1 edit) (+1)

Just out of interest, how long does indexing take (on average) if the game or asset I uploaded is not my first paid project? The time frames in the FAQ seem to be a bit out of date.

I don‘t mean this as a „why isn‘t my asset indexed I posted it 20 seconds ago“ kind of question. I just thought it would be useful to know this for future projects, for example when I plan to take part in a scheduled sale


It depends. And next time please make your own topic so people can find the question and answer more easily.


Given that it’s explained in so many topics, would it be possible to get this added to the FAQ or any other relevant documentation?


There's a pending pull request to update the FAQ. Meanwhile, there are around three other such topics on the first page of this category alone.

Thanks! Have a great day.

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