Update: this game has made a successful entry! check out the page here - https://numeron.itch.io/dungeon-cards
Hello all! My name is Numeron, and this will be my 15th 7DRL entry - Dungeon Cards (possibly with a future name change)
15 entries sure is a lot (check my stuff out if you're interested!), but at this point I'm not so sure that's an advantage any more. I'm not the bright minded youth I once was, more like I'm becoming a risk-averse grouchy old dev who shakes his fist at new fangled technologies haha. Maybe it's time to break that cycle though -
Unlike the last bunch of years, I won't be building this entry on the bones of last year, I'm starting fresh with a new codebase! I'm exploring into the world of 3 dimensions (just graphics wise for now, not for the gameplay), so there will be plenty of new things for me to learn this year. This also means the scope will be lower, I'm going to try to make more of a tight puzzle-like tactical game than long-form RPG as is more typical of my entries.
I'll try to keep this thread up to date with my progress at the end of each day, but for now the simple idea is - a deck builder, with cards representing attacks/abilities on the grid, taking place in small single room levels (unless I find myself with a lot more time than expected)