Dev status: done. Play it here.
This game is a turn based tactical game.
You control 3 spaceships, to complete a mission you need to take down every enemy spaceships. The game is broken down in 12 missions (selected from a list of ~ 40missions), with increasing difficulty.
The final score is equal to : total life points * 100 . To get the highest score, you need to finish the game without taking damage, and also extract the life points from the planets you will occasionally encounter. To achieve that you will take advantage of your squad abilities:
- Ship 1 : Move fast, has an attack ability
- Ship 2 : Support. Move slowly, cannot attack but can grant a shield to a friendly unity. A shield prevents any damage once.
- Ship 3 : Move moderately fast, has an attack ability. Also has Hack ability. Hack allow you to manipulate turn orders by switching two characters places in the turn list.
Planets are also friendly units. They can launch a nuke, which is a powerful attack that strikes at the beginning of their next turn.