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Free and open-source 3D internet browser · By Nordup

How do you like the idea?

A topic by Nordup created Apr 08, 2023 Views: 635 Replies: 16
Viewing posts 1 to 6

Very curious if someone really gets why I'm saying "new internet"

Can you imagine it growing so large like an internet itself nowadays?! Ecosystem with so many different "worlds" you can't even explore in a lifetime

Coz I think this gives an opportunity for everyone to release their creativity and build something very accessible with ease

Or am I wrong? :)


Can you imagine it growing so large like an internet itself nowadays?!

you chose an open-source program for creating TheGates web pages, so that’s good. TheGates browser also needs to be open-source for TheGates to stay alive long like the real internet.

also TheGates would need to develop accessibility standards like the real internet before it can be used widespread.

once that’s done, TheGates will still not replace the internet because

  • Godot projects have more overhead than HTML pages, so they load slower and cost more data to load
  • making a Godot project accessible is harder than making an HTML page accessible, because there’s less that a browser can do to adjust the user experience of a Godot project without breaking the page, than there is for an HTML page

Hi! Thank you for your replay:3
You are right I'm thinking about open sourcing it a lot. And I believe it should be some day
It loads a lot more data for sure and it will not replace the internet at least for a few decades (we can't predict what will happen later)
But I think it brings a new way of distributing  projects that made in game engine with new advantages and I believe there is a lot of things that becomes possible with it


yes. TheGates will not replace the internet — it will co-exist.


Wow, that's a rather clever use of Godot. Bravo. I'm going to have to ponder the uses and read the docs.

Just learning Godot myself, but I would echo the open source sentiment. For something like this to become relied upon, people need to be able to look under the hood... so to speak. There is a reason most of the internet runs on Linux.

But I can also understand waiting until the proper point in development to do so.


Yeah I'm really looking forward to open source it thank you :3
It's being really hard to bring sandboxing to windows((
But when it's done we consider doing that!


I was brought here by a news article and like the idea. But your scepticism towards open sourcing the project makes me skeptical about your project :D

If sandboxing is hard, why not use the experience and intelligence of hundreds of developers out there? What needs to be done by you that cannot be done a lot faster by a crowd of enthusiasts?

Apart from that, you should consider dealing with adult content from the beginning. It should really be done during the design phase if it's not already too late. There's a huge debate about such topics for normal websites already on a government level and it could be a death penalty for the project if it cannot handle requirements properly.

Still, keep it up and I'm excited to see where this project is going!


I wasn't sure at that time what would be better for the project and realizing my ideas, dreams))
Going with open source and non-profit is really hard in terms of sustainability, also it will take a lot longer
With for-profit company you can raise some money, hire a great people and quickly scale :)

But I choose the hard one, coz this project is not about money.
And I don't wanna be held by a duty of making money for investors, stakeholders etc.
Instead of maximazing the value we bring for people

About adult content you are right! I have some ideas how to implement that, but it's not a super priority right now
The earlier the better, hah? You got me thinking))

Thank you for your comment :3


I have an adult oriented gamebook that could in theory be added to this project.  It was too large to be added to but I'm hoping that they could make an exception in the near future.

(1 edit) (+2)

In 2017 I actually had the conversation with someone about making a 3D internet browsing environment since my Game Book is like that.  Didn't get far though because I got pulled back into the workforce, but I would definitely like to contribute to this project.  Unfortunately I made my project in Unity 3D and not Godot but please let me know if it can still be used.  More info:


yes, it can still be used. it being made with closed‑source tools just puts it at a bigger risk to disappear in the future.


Awesome.  Well my greatest fear is that technology will get so good that it will make projects like mine (Took Me 5 Years To Complete) look like a High School student project.  Just want to get it out there..  I'm sure someone can relate.


You are welcome to contribute of course 🙌 You can find email in github if you wanna contact me))

As of the project) if it can be ported to godot why not I can help

How big is it in size? Can it be downloaded partially?


The project is 2.7 GB I believe.  Been a while since I've transferred it somewhere.  Last time I tried I contacted support and then told me - no.  Basically told me to re-do my project to get it smaller..  hahaha

I tried to explain that my project couldn't get any smaller because it is a Game Book.  You know..  a bunch of different endings to the story type thing (Chose Your Own Adventure) but with doors and clouds in it.  Kind of hard to explain to tech support.


Why not make it as a website? Isn't it all text and 2d ui?


Nice job so far. But that's a big project you chose.
I see cool game like Shopping malls or whatever, with shops/websites of whoever. while the charater represents yourself, the mall or walkways the internet and the shops the other websites (don't know how to call them right now)

Or sites like Wikipedia. could be awesome to create a gigantic park with showrooms for all the knowledge that is there, like walking in a zoo. 
But this obviously sounds extremely beneficial for VR.

Some other idea would be, if you integrate the 'real' www to your browser and visualize shops, for example. so your browser could actually be used for browsing and not just for gaming. and if that visualization stuff comes out of the box, if not provided by the site somehow, it's even a new experience to visit shopping websites, while still nobody really cares about 3d shops. a simple shop should not even be too complicated if it's just the visual stuff. i guess.

or you could also create a plugin to open other browsers to godot and that new internet, maybe even overwriting the typical behavior of those browsers to mostly show the 3d version of a website.

oh there's a lot that could be done. and the possibilities are kinda endless. 

Good luck, i'm really curious how it goes on.


I'm so sorry for approving this late. Didn't see it until now

Thanks! It's a big project yes, but we can do it 💪
Someone needs to come up with a new word for worlds/websites or whatever the hell is this 😅

Making a 3D wikipedia is really an inspiring idea yeah. To make that knowledge more visually accessible and interactive. I think not only wikipedia will transform, but a lot of other sources where we get information too

About integrating existing www into TheGates. I think it will happen at some point. Like rendering html pages into the world or in any other form. Maybe even making html pages into 3d looking ones like you said

A lot of enthusiasts will come up with completely new ideas which excites me the most about this project ✨

Possibilities are endless indeed! This is just a beginning
Thank you very much again :)