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poppy ribbon

A member registered May 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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i just noticed the Metadata tab (and every other tab besides Edit game) only shows up when editing a saved game, not when creating a new game. no wonder so many people miss the Metadata tab.

for tabletop games, leaving the Input methods field empty is best. setting the game as a physical game should be done in Edit game > Classification.

you can still set all the other metadata, so it’s actually just as useful for tabletop games as for video games.

although it would be great if they listed input methods for physical games:

  • tabletop
  • cards
  • dice

if itch lists virtual reality as an input method, i don’t see why they couldn’t list tabletop, since both input methods alter your environment for playing the game.

(2 edits)

this game is too difficult in the wrong ways:

  • most of the keys — like ‘Hook Button’ — are not named, so i have to try every key to know which is which
  • there is no way to change which key is which button, so i have to play with an uncomfortable layout
  • sometimes some actions don’t work and i don’t know why — example: sometimes pressing [up] and [jump] makes wallrun and sometimes it doesn’t
  • this is a lot of buttons to keep track of. ¿maybe add a button that is either [dash] or [hook] depending what’s best in each situation?. and [pick up box] and [throw box] should always be the same button because i can always do only 1 of these things.
(2 edits)

i will not need to make a real itch page for this:

if you still want to use this:

Autumn Tileset by sosasees is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal

this tileset is usable with PICO-8

i am sorry to disturb but ¿would you mind spreading this info?: Metadata encouragement

the GIF format is no longer used because the WebP format is used instead. so i would like to not put GIF files in my submission.

i plan to put my assets in these 2 common image formats:

  1. WebP, the most modern format that’s supported by most widely-used programs today
  2. PNG, for use with some older but still widely-used programs

¡thanks! 🙂

(2 edits)

this sounds good, but i need to read the jam page before i can decide if to join.

please reply with a link to the asset jam’s page.


create video game age ratings using the Developers’ age rating system (DARS).

pick the age rating criteria that apply to your game and get your DARS age rating — really useful for platforms like Itch, which don’t support official age ratings like from ESRB and PEGI.


edit page

DARS badge preview

website i recommend about choosing a license: https://choosealicense.com/

(1 edit)

i liked and commented on this post by the time i could read this reply.

it took me a while to create the comment.

i will see how i can share this with other itch users without disturbing too much.

i found the metadata because i am the kind of people who explores the Windows settings after i install Windows. but most people don’t even touch the Windows settings, so i understand how — without encouragement — they would not want to change any game page settings beyond the first page.

thank you for announcing me this post 🙂

yes. TheGates will not replace the internet — it will co-exist.

Can you imagine it growing so large like an internet itself nowadays?!

you chose an open-source program for creating TheGates web pages, so that’s good. TheGates browser also needs to be open-source for TheGates to stay alive long like the real internet.

also TheGates would need to develop accessibility standards like the real internet before it can be used widespread.

once that’s done, TheGates will still not replace the internet because

  • Godot projects have more overhead than HTML pages, so they load slower and cost more data to load
  • making a Godot project accessible is harder than making an HTML page accessible, because there’s less that a browser can do to adjust the user experience of a Godot project without breaking the page, than there is for an HTML page
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i think you should finish your game.

maybe you can contribute to my next game when its pre-production is far enough. i hope i think of replying when that happens.

thanks, i didn’t. i just stopped playing because i couldn’t see anything.

¿what would you like to create with me?

no, the game would gain atmosphere because it would be possible to see the game and play it. the important thing for a dark atmosphere is not so much physical darkness, but limited visibility from most of the screen being black.

making a scene almost completely black to create a very dark atmosphere works for movies because the movie continues even when you don’t understand anything. this doesn’t work for games because games can only continue when you can understand them.

the game needs not just a little bit more lighting:

it needs to be a lot brighter to see anything.

yes, i updated my rating for today’s version (2023-05-20)

i want my game ‘fix the sprites’ to be judged.

i want it to be judged by Jade because the other streamers are less accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i could see my game being judged but i could not write in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i could not see my game being judged
  • Jade the Kobold is on YouTube, so i could see my game being judged, and maybe respond in chat if i catch the stream in time

this is why i rated this game with 1 star in Theme: if the game has the theme, i can’t see it because i can’t see the game.

this game is impossible to see, even in a dark room at max brightness with no bluelight filter.

there’s dark and moody games — and then there’s dark and annoying games like St. Plage.

i remember the original version of the game was submitted to Go Godot Jam 4 but then you wanted to update it and only after deleting the original version did you realize that submitting was locked.

so that this doesn’t happen next time, please remember that you don’t have to delete your old builds from itch to replace them with new builds: itch deletes the old builds itself after sucessfully uploading the new builds.

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam
(2 edits)

the goal is to paint over the original pixel art to make a simpler and better version.

but drawing a new sprite next to the originals also shows how simpler sprites are much better, so you won.

you only have 2 colors because the original picture has too many details:

using too many colors encourages overdetailing, so having less colors forces you to make the picture more coherent — that’s what the game wants to teach.

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game fix the sprites to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam

i want my game to be judged by Jade The Kobold, because the other three streamers are not so accessible:

  • LivTheCyberDhole streams on Twitch — i don’t have a Twitch account — so i can see the game being judged but i have no chance of writing in chat
  • KoboldSprigg and Appleseed have marked their Twitch channels as unsafe for children, so i can’t see it
  • Jade The Kobold is on YouTube, so i can see the game being judged, and maybe write in chat if i catch the steam