So, I have this custom game engine I am working on, for making choose-your-own-adventure style games (or visual novels). The engine is free, public domain, and I am currently working on the next upgrade for it, but thought I'd see if I could get some feedback on it to take into account when making my improvements.
I would welcome feedback on all aspects of it, both the engine itself, the tutorial game, the itch project page, even the source code if someone feels like diving that deep :-P
I am not expecting anyone to actually make a game with it just to give me feedback, but even just looking at the project information, trying the tutorial game (which runs in the browser), or just download the engine and give me your first impressions will be very helpful.
The engine makes use of a custom scripting language (very simplistic) and I would also welcome feedback on that.
Links to the tutorial game and the github repo (if anyone is interested in source code) is on the project page. There is also a devlog entry talking about some of the things I have already implemented for the new version, as well as some things I have planned.
The project page is here:
Thanks :)