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Mattias Gustavsson

A member registered Jul 28, 2015 · View creator page →

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Yeah, the way it works, is that the real main func is in dos.h, and it is definitely needed. But it would be possible to move its code (it just does a call to app_run) to your own if needed. However, in the user code (as in the samples) there is *another* main, but this one is actually called dosmain - there’s just a define in dos.h that defines main to be an alias for dosmain. Defining NO_MAIN_DEF disables this, and your user main has to be named dosmain instead of main


The images are all midjourney ai generated (it does say on the title screen, but easy to miss 🙂)

(1 edit)

actually, yes 🙂  https://mattiasgustavsson.itch.io/dosbox-crt

Thank you, that is great feedback, and I appreciate you taking the time!

I guess there is a bit of a balance in making the tutorial game, like how much detail to go into, what to leave out. But reading your thoughts on it makes me want to go over it and maybe add a few more things to anwer those questions.

Ah, I think I understand what was happening, and I think I can repro it now. It seems like a location section can not have a "chr/act" pair before the txt/img declarations. That is something I want to fix for a later version, thanks for finding that!

I am glad you like the engine so far. And hey, no donations needed (but thank you for offering), I do not in fact accept any :) The best way to show your support for Yarnspin is to use it and enjoy it, that is all I want it to be :)

Hey, I've been a little slow replying, but it seems like you have got it working now, yes?

I must admit that I am a little surprised that you had to move sections around - that should definitely not be necessary, you should be able to declare sections in any order. I will try myself if I can reproduce it, because that sounds like a bug!

Is there anything that is not working at the moment? Don't hesitate to ask I will do my best to try and help (maybe even a bit faster next time :P)

Ah, yeah, I am very happy that you got error messages working, it must have been so difficult to try and work out what was going wrong. I've tried to put in a decent amount of error checking, but it is also something I want to improve going forward.

I think if there's one good thing that comes of your struggles to get it to work, it is that I've realized I should be a lot clear about this in the documentation, and I will really improve this section, including screenshot of what is expected to show on screen and how to deal with errors!

Making a GUI or editor is something I've been thinking about (likely as a standalone Yarnspin Studio), but to be  honest, it is not something I have in my plans for anywhere soon. I have a lot of ideas for features to add to Yarnspin going forward, and having to maintain a visual tool for it will just make those much harder and more time-consuming, and I don't want to be slowed down like that. But I do think it would be a fun thing to make and a useful thing to have,  so I could see myself tackling it some day.

But hey, since this is free open source software, we can always hope that someone else decides they can't wait and starts making one - not very likely maybe, but we can hope :)

Yeah, that's a reasonable thing to have - I already added options to control the speed of printouts individually for dialogs vs locations, so makes sense to be able to control fade speed individually for both as well. I'll add it at some point

Yes, this is indeed a bug! Or rather, a regression, as it was working correctly at some point. The player text should really be cleared before options are displayed. I will fix that, but in the meantime, I suggest putting an extra "carol:" line, with nothing after ":" which will clear the player text, but also (annoyingly) require an extra click. But yes, will fix!

I don't know why you @VP does not not see the carol portrait though, that works for me... perhaps if you try deleting the .cache folder? this would cause all intermediate files to be regenerated. it shouldn't be necessary, but maybe there's a glitch happening when changing back and forth with an image with the same name and different extensions, so worth a shot

hmm, ok, when I try to run that script, I do get an error, saying that it is missing the version declaration. It is a bit unexpected that you don’t get that… what platform are you on?

Anyway, if i add

version: 1.0

to the start of the file, it works (after fixing filenames of two images that are otherwise missing)

most likely, there is something missing or wrong in the script, and yarnspin.exe reports an error. If you try and run yarnspin from a commandline, you should be able to see any errors reported, and we can figure out what’s going wrong.

Also, if you want to share your script, I’m happy to help debug

The yarnspin compiler is just the yarnspin.exe in the root of the folder. It will compile all the files in the scripts folder, create the yarnspin.dat, and run the game.

I just released a major update to this, and again I would be very interested in feedback on pretty much everything about it - in particular your first impressions of the project and how it is presented: https://mattiasgustavsson.itch.io/yarnspin

Today :) It's out!

I've finally released Yarnspin 2.0, I hope y'all will like it!

I decided to switch the comments section over to a forum, to make it easier to have real discussions about things and provide support. This discarded all existing comments, but I am sure new posts will come around here before long :)

There is no way to disable the crt shader, other than digging into the code and changinga lot of it. But it would mess up the scaling of the different resolutions

That’s beautiful! 🙂 I am glad you got it working!

(1 edit)

I am very happy that you enjoy the lib :)

The font format is a custom one, and it is handled by pixelfont.h in the libs folder. The lib has a set of "builder" functions here,  which are used to create a font in the format. Basically you call builder_create, then call builder_glyph for each character you want to add, and when you are done you call builder_font which gives you a pointer to a pixelfont structure. The first field in the structure is its size in bytes, and you can just save it as a binary blob, that can then be used in doslike by calling installuserfont. The same lib and builder is used in this other project, here, to build a pixelfont from ttf data using stb_truetype, but it is the same principle regardless what your input data is. What you probably want to do is make a standalone command line program that just includes pixelfont.h and makes your conversions.

let me know if it doesn't make sense, and feel free to ask followup questions!

and btw, I will clean up the readchar a bit at some point based on the issue logged in github, getting the full range should be easier, and besides, I probably want to look into unicode support as well, using UTF8.

I am not familiar with Heroic, but maybe someone else knows. This version of dosbox is for windows only, and I don't know if it is possible to run it with Wine or similar. 
When I buy DOS games from GOG, to play on windows, it is usually not a problem to locate the bundled dosbox.exe and replace it with my modified one (just rename it) 

I got it working on my other computer, I liked it a lot, it looks great and plays well, and a very cool style/concept!

I really really liked this one, I love how much is told in an indirect way just through reflecting over items encountered. Well done.

I really really liked this one, I love how much is told in an indirect way just through reflecting over items encountered. Well done.

This was very charming, and really funny :) It looks great, and I like the story, it is a really nice concept.

This was a nice runner, looks good and plays well, I enjoyed it!

I really loved the art in this. It looks really really good, and the color palette fits really well. Story is fun!

I think this was a nice concept, once I figured out how to fly, I enjoyed flying around and shooting at the monsters.

This was good, I love the look and feel of it, the way the setting feels a bit magical or otherworldly. 

I really liked this, very enjoyable and interesting puzzles from simple and consistent mechanics. It played very well, and I enjoyed the story!

I really enjoyed this, I think the writing and characters are good. There's a lot of content for being made in such a short time. I think the art works well, and I really like that all the main characters are associated with different colors.

Very cute game, love the drawing and the general sense of good-natured sillines. I like how it captured the mindset of a dog!

This was great, I loved the style of it, and the choice to make the clothes be in color was amazing. The concept was fun, and I enjoyed the game!

This is very nice, I love the art and the style of it, and the writing is great. I really like games that combine multiple game modes, so that's something I really liked about this!

I think this was a really nice story and very well told. It really feels like a childrens fairy tale, and with the music and art it is a very calming and enjoyable experience. I really like the consistency of the art, and the choice of limited color palette.

This was a nice story, I think it explored some interesting topics, and the art and music worked very well for it!

So I get the menu screen, when  select start, I get a screen with some menu options, but none of them seem to do anything. If I press X I get an empty screen (see screenshots attached)

I think this was a neat idea! I like the juxtaposition of the bright, friendly, cute story book with the dark and scary environment. The flashlight makes it even more spooky. I love the watercolor-style illustrations in the book.

I think this was a fun concept! I like the story, and how it ties in with the classic fairytale but told from a different perspective :) The music worked well, I like the variation in intensity. The art looks great and the control works well.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to try it. I couldn't interact with anything, and compared to the video of the game, it looks like some elements and texts are missing on the screen. But it looks interesting!

Thanks :)

I liked it! I think it really did manage to convey a lot of story and emotions without text. The music is nice, and the art is great. I like the different day/night/evening versions of the locations. I only wish there was a bit more of it :)