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Does v25 need a manual update?

A topic by Gaboris created Sep 11, 2018 Views: 419 Replies: 2
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I just noticed that version 25 of the client came out a few days ago, but when I fired up my 23.6.2 it said that it was up to date even after checking for updates manually.

Is this an intentional slow rollout to catch serious bugs with them effecting as few people as possible at once or is this version not compatible with the current auto updating system?


Hey, a manual update is required. 

Is this an intentional slow rollout to catch serious bugs with them effecting as few people as possible at once or is this version not compatible with the current auto updating system?

Both, we haven't officially announced it as we iron at the last issues. The new update system is also not compatible with the old one. Once we're confident with everything we're going to notify all users of the old app that there's an update available for them via the homepage (when viewed in the app).

Cool. Thank you.
In that case I'll update it myself and I'll come back if there were any problems. :)

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